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A True Steve Buscemi Fan

My name is Kym, and i'm thirteen years old. I live in Lawrence, Kansas but I was born in upstate New York (not very close to Valley Stream though-- I checked). The first time I noticed Steve Buscemi was in Armageddon and I fell in love with him. And Steve Buscemi is such a great actor. Too underrated though!
I have a three year old brother, and I live with both my parents. It's amazing that my family and friends put up with my talking about Buscemi all the time.
I want and always have wanted to be an actress. I plan on going to college first though. Right now, I'm in seventh grade at West Junior High School and I'm on the Honor Roll with a 4.0. I wish you could see my locker. It's got a lot of pictures of my man Steve. *notice how the conversation always ends up with him?*
I'm in my city's choir: The Lawrence Children's Choir. We're traveling to Chicago in February for a national convention of Choral Directors. It's a big honor. I'm looking forward to going. Visit their site here (my dad made it).
I'm a vegetarian and an atheist. I believe that being honest with yourself is the best way to be. You'll learn a lot more.
My Picture
(from a play)

