Info all about Nick
here is some info about this awesome hottie.
- Full Name: Nicholas Gene Carter
- Nick Names: Nick, Nicky , Chaos
- Birth Place: Jamestown , New York
- Birthday: January 28 , 1980
- Family : Robert ( Bob ), Jane, BJ , Angel , Leslie and Aaron
- Eye Color : Blue
- Hair Color : Blonde
- Weight : 160
- Height: 6'0
- Pets : Four Cats and Two Dogs
- Fave Song : I will always love you
- Fave BsB Song: Quit Playing Games
- First Job : Singing
- Bad Habit : he bites his nails
- Fave Color: Green
- Fave Bands : Nirvana and Journey
- Fave Movies : Aliens and Brave Heart
- Fave Actor : Jeff Goldblum
- Fave Actress: Sigourney Weaver
- Fave Shows : Mad About You and The X Files
- Fave Book : Living Free
- Instrument: Drums
- Least Fave Subject: Math
- Fave subjests: Science , History, English and Phy Ed
see Nick's info in his own hand writing