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(Please read the Explanation before reading this)...There are 5 different types of Agent. First is the FDA, or First Degree Agent, Second Degree Agent, Third Degree Agent, and so on. "Agent" is the status given to new members of R.I.A. There are "mandatory" items that should be completed before an Agent may be promoted to a higher status, and are marked with a *. These requirements are listed below.(Note: That marked with a * is indeed MANDATORY)

Mandatory/Suggested Requirements for Consideration of Promotion

 Complete 3 assignments. *

 Attend at least 80% of mandatory meetings. *

 Suggested referral by an Officer.

 Hand in at least 80% of mandatory reports. *

 Perform other duties that will enhance consideration of promotion.

Note: Mandatory does not necessarily mean that these items must be completed. Items labeled mandatory are those items that of are most importance and value in the interest of promotion.

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The suggested accomplishments are as follows:

3 assignments

Attendance of all meetings

Referral by superior officer

Completion of all reports

Action taken in which posed an imminent threat to the individual that was taken in the preservation of National Security or R.I.A. as labeled by the Judiciary Committee

Plan for Agents, First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth:

Agents will be given three assignments

Agents will be able to attend one meeting per month in room with superior officer to review actions/accomplishments/etc.

Agents will be responsible for handing in a bi-weekly (every two weeks) report to



Reports are to be handed in as follows:

Reports are to include the name, rank, and number of the Agent.

Reports are to include any activity taken by the Agent under the jurisdiction of R.I.A.

Reports are to include meetings attended.

Reports may include any assignments given to the Agent.


Assignments will be filled out as followed:

What is the code name of the assignment?

What/who is the subject?

What observances have you made of the subject?

Please list all activity noted on assignments, as this will further your points in the promotion area.

Logs are suggested for use on assignments. Logs are highly regarded in this respect.



Assignment Content










This is the system used for scoring during the quarterly evaluations. You may request a report of your scores at any time.

R.I.A. | Sergeant | Lieutenant