Oh What a Circus

Che begins singing this song in a bar in Buenos Aires. This song, as well as his tone of voice in singing it, is laden with both sarcasm and anger. After numbering Eva's faults (she didn't do much while a public figure, she promised a lot but didn't do it, she had the audacity to die) the main visual focal point breaks away from Che and shows instead scenes of the civil war that has broken out in the wake of Eva's death.

Eva is mourned; that is still obvious by the panning of the lines waiting for the chance to see her body. But a feeling of betrayal is there as well. In other words, she betrayed her people by dying when they needed her most. "Oh What a Circus," both the words of the song and the visuals along with it, perfectly portrays the nation's feelings at the time of Eva's death.

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