Another Suitcase in Another Hall

Eva is elated after "Buenos Aires," and goes home with Magaldi, excited, but not really sure what to expect. She waits on the stairs outside Magaldi's apartment while the knocks on the door. From inside the apartment comes a child's voice, "Papa! Papa!" The child opens the door and Magaldi greets her with a warm hug, while Magaldi's wife takes his suitcase and gives Eva a look that says something like, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Without so much as a backwards glance, Magaldi disappears into his home, and Eva is left alone in a strange city, deserted by the only person she knew there.

"Another Suitcase in Another Hall" is a lament of her life so far, and of the bad luck that has brought her to Buenos Aires. The song spans a time frame of several months, several months of dancing with strange men in bars for money, sleeping with directors for parts that never come, and basically just trying to survive on her own.

At the end of the song, her break comes when a photographer snaps her picture. This eventually leads to mild fame, but that fame comes with a price, as the next song will illustrate.

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