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*~~ My Friends ~~*

  • InTiMaTe EnTiTy ~~Where do I even begin? Well, I look back to the first day we met in the house, and I knew then, that you were a great person(funny, humerous, and caring). Since then, we have become the best of were here for me at a time when I thought I was going to lose myself. It was one of the most stressful times of my life, and there you were, willing to listen and offer me your support, always making me smile again. I can't thank you enough, for everything you have done for me..we have spent many hours talking, and they fly by so fast, it still amazes me..don't ever change Dev,you are wonderful just the way you are..*hugs & kotc*
    louie ~~Ohh louie..You are so funny & always able to make me laugh. We have become great friends, and I always look forward to our too, were here for me at a time that was taking it's toll on me,and I will always be grateful to you for being here..I just hope someday, I can return the favour to you *s* And you spoil me so louie..sending me my decaffe coffee every morning, I don't know what I would do with out you now, thanks for being you *hugs & kotc*
    94Luckey ~~Well, how long has it been now Luckey?, Since we met, and grew to become very dear friends? I often look back and can't remember never knowing you *S* You have become an important part of my life, a close friend..I have laughed and I have cried many a time while talking to you *S* But your always there, looking out for me *hugs* And Shane,well all I can say is I Love that cat, always ready to fire up the Yugo to come and cheer me up..*LOL* Thanks guys, for touching my heart *Hugs & Kotc*(and a scratch behind the ear for Shane)
    Krazy ~~The first person I met online to offer me his friendship, my sweet and caring, funloving Krazy *hugs & kisses* Wow, we have known each other since way before July, long before I bought my own computer. And look at us hon, we are still the best of friends. You have done so much for me, showing me the way of life online, showing me fun, and without you, I wouldn't even be writing this, because of you showing me and helping me with my HP..We have a lot of happy memories behind us, and many more to come I am sure. I am so lucky to have you in my life and heart, thank you hon *hugs & kotc*
    Westy ~~I guess we owe our friendship all to louie eh?? If it weren't for him, I don't know if we would have ever become the dear friends that we have become *S* (so we'll say it together when we see him K?)*G* You are a very sweet person, you have been there for me, like the rest of my friends, when I needed to talk. You always manage to make me laugh and smile, no matter how down I may be. Thank you my dear friend, for allowing me to know you, you mean a lot to me, and always will *hugs & kotc*
    As much as I would love to write about each and everyone of you, I have to stop here, or run out of space on my page. You all know how much you mean to me, and just where our friendships stand *hugs*. To those visiting my page, if you haven't met any of the wonderful people mentioned below, you should really make a point to do so, each and ever one of them are special and great to chat with *S*
    a330 ~~Full of fun you are, but a major pain in the butt, but you know I'd miss ya if you were gone *hugs* *Sidekick*~~One of my best friends in real life *hugs*, we are inseperable, and always getting into trouble, both on and offline *LOL* Jade(f) ~~Now this gal is no angel either when she is with us, we have so much fun together, always in fits of laughter..our poor Island don't know what they are in for sometimes,,*hugs* girl!! Lady-D ~~And the fourth of our little circle, another good friend of mine, Sidekick's, and Jade's in Real life *hugs*, and she also gets in trouble to, she's not always a lady you know *LOL* cazador ~~ Another great friend, but for some reason, he loves to have dishes thrown at him, wierd eh??*LOL* Thrasher-Quinn ~~What can I say, he's sweet, funny, and there for me, a great guy, and an even better friend *hugs* HOCKEYGIRL ~~Now we have had some fun, especially soaking the guys with water hoses *LOL* a sweet gal she is *hugs* 6X6 ~~Look out for this guy, he is a maniac in a go-cart *LOL* and he is a sweetheart, and dear friend *hugs & kotc* Heather69 ~~Now the 2 of us together teamed against a330, and he hasn't a chance *LOL* Your a lot of fun Heather, we miss ya in the house *hugs* Brino ~~A very sweet guy and a good friend,I am so happy we met *hugs* Coyote Blue ~~This gal is full of fun, and also there when and if I need to talk, thank god for ICQ hey Coyote?? *hugs* Northern Gent~~ Watch out for him, if he is armed with his Super Soaker *LOL* When he's not, he is there for me, to lend his ear and listen to me, be it good or bad, thanks Gent, your a dear friend *hugs**kotc* TRAVIS ~~You are a sweety Trav, you have become a close friend to me, I always enjoy our talks *hugs**kotc* Lone Wolf ~~ Look out ladies, this one is a sweety, and knows how to flatter a lady *wink* He is also a good friend, and has been there for me, thanks Lone *hugs**kotc* Heatmiser ~~ We have known each other for a some time now, but thanks to ICQ, we have gotten to know each other much more,,your a good friend Heat *hugs* RiverRat ~~A wonderful new friend, thanks for listening to me whine so many times, and for always making me laugh *hugs*

    *~~ More Chathouse Friends ~~*

    Candy so Sweet, Lightning BUG(another loyal snake pit chatter & friend *hugs*), east-man, FOlkz, FOXFIRE, Searchin for a Cowboy(if were not in the house chatting, then it's ICQ for us *hugs*), love69, Montana Cowgirl(I always manage to run into this gal in the house somewhere *hugs*), Najda(Miss you in the Pit *hugs*), Patchiz, Smokey, Sweetest thing on the Web, GUMBO, KY-Redneck(Such a sweety you are *hugs*), Lexie, OUTLAW TORN, Luciano, Xavier, Lady Scorpion, Satin Sheets, AngelEyes, Lady-Wolf.

    *~~ ICQ Friends ~~*

    CityGirl, J.beano, Silverjet, Wild1, Deter(a very dear friend and lots of fun and laughs *hugs*), Buildman, Talk2Me

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