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Quite a bit of horse power!

Another shot, can you name em all?

Here is the Ofna .21 its the P-4, and the Megatech 21. the Ofna is a good engine and well worth the money. good low end. DONT get the megatech its a poor quality engine that cant take the heat.

Here are a few O.S. engines. the RGB isnt a bad engine but it didnt last long. Its a good looking engine but wears out quick. The V engine ran hot because of the small head.

The Picco P-5 (left) is a nice engine but the Picco carbs are hard to tune. The RB engine runs well its an 8 port POWER HOUSE.

The TT engine is my brothers he got with his V-spec,The RGB gold head is the test subject engine i did most of the mods to. its still running.

This is by far the coolest looking engine ive seen. its a friend of mines engine. he said it has a ceramic sleve and he ran it at over 300 degrees.