For Max, On his 4th Birthday
The brightest stars that shine at night...
I always think of you.
I look up and wonder what you are doing,
and if you think of me too?
Are you here?...Somewhere?
Are you watching me?
Do you know?
This life is strange, somedays are so hard.
The hurt of missing you is endless.
Another year closer to seeing you again...
I am counting on that...
The hurt will stop,
and I will hold you, my precious son, in my arms, finally...at last.
Never remembering even one-second of the hurt.
Then I am sure you will know...
You will know how much we LOVE YOU!
You will know how much we MISSED YOU!
You will know how much we wished it could have been different.
Until then...
I look up at the brightest stars...and...
Think of YOU...
In honor of Max's 4th Birthday...I named a "STAR" for him. The dedication date is the day he was born 4 years ago, February 5th, 1998. So now when I look up into the nighttime sky...there is an extra special star named...
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