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About Justin...

Name: Justin Randall Timberlake
A.K.A.: Curly, Curly Spice, Bounce, The Baby, Mr. Smooth.
Born: Millington, Tennessee
B-day: January 31, 1981
Parents: Paul(step dad), Lynn
Siblings: Jonanthan
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Height: 6'2
Residence: Lives with JC, Chris and his mom in Orlando, Florida
Car: 98 red Mercedes Benz
Collects: sneakers(?????)
Hobbies: playing basketball
Bad habit: burping
Looks for in girls: "Pretty is cool, but it's not really about looks for me. It's more about personality, I like a girl with a good sense of humor, who's humble and sensitive."
Idol: Michael Jordan, Brian McKnight
Fav. Drink: Milk
Fav. Food: Pasta
Fav. actor/actress: Sandra Bullock
Self description: dedicated, persistent, funny and goofy.
Greatest fear: To die unloved
Fav. color: Blue
Fav. holiday: Christmas
Fav. sport: basketball(DUH!)
Dislikes: Fake people and his curly hair(but he looks so cute with it!).
