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The Detroit Red Wings

HEY, HEY Hockeytown!!        HEY, HEY Hockeytown!!       

ALL RIGHT WINGS! Nice win over the Avalanche Monday. It was a totally high energy game that produced a much needed victory for the Wings. Great efforts, especially by Yzerman, Federov, and Lidstrom.



Well, it's quite obvious that the Red Wings are the BEST TEAM IN THE NHL. I've been a fan for years and I figured now is as good a time as any to make myself a page.

First, something that any true Wing Nut would appreciate...



Red Wings vs.Kings ~ WINGS 4-0

Red Wings vs. Avalance ~ AVS 2-1

Next Game ~ Monday, May 1st @ Detroit

All the way to the Stanley Cup Baby!


My Favorite Players

We all have our favorite know, those guys that drew you into the sport, the ones you make up nick names for and pretend you have some sort of kismet relationship with...the same ones that you root for year after year after year...and that you, with a few exceptions, think are completely invincible.



                                                                   STEVE YZERMAN has done that all for me. He is and always has been my number one, absolute drew-me-into-the-sport-and-kept-me-coming-back-for-more player :) His game spells magic for me, and I can't even begin to describe how gosh darn happy I get whenever I see the above photo of him hoisting the Cup. It makes me wanna cry and jump for joy all at the same time! His missing tooth only adds to the realism of finaling reaching the goal of BRINGING THE CUP BACK TO HOCKEYTOWN! I'm so so so glad that the great captain, Stevie Y, could be here to lead us to victory. I'd better stop now, I'm starting to get a little teary-eyed :) hehe

Other Wingers that make it among my "Favorites" list include

Darren McCarty

"Big Mac" Yeah, he rocks :) Gotta love his fiestiness

Larry Murphy

Back when I first started watching Wings games, I always remember seeing number 55 out there somewhere, making the play, blocking the shot, whatever, he was just always there. So, Murph is sort of like my good ole stand by. I'm a lil attached :)

Kris Draper

Sure, all of Hockeytown feels sorry for this poor buddy. He is afterall the person for whom the whole Colorado/Detroit BLOOD THIRSTY RIVALY (hehe, maybe the players don't see it that way exactly, but you bet your booties I do!)got started...but I've just always liked him. He's another one of my "Origionals."

Kirk Maltby be honest, I just think this guy is incredibly good looking!

The Russian Five

I really miss 'em ::sniff sniff:: But then, so does everyone, so I really shouldn't complain. Federov on his own kinda...doesn't work for me that well, however. I still love ya Larionov and Kozlov!

RoyOzzy.jpg (155319 bytes)       

Then we have lovely Ozzie and Roy here. Normally, of course, I'm not into all that violence stuff but...COME ON!! This was just too great. The goalies going at it? Really now, I'm not an instigator of violence. No sense wasting countless hours in the penalty box when we could be scoring goals, is there boys? Osgood's not on my list 'cause..well, to be honest I'm still smartin' for Vernon! Though we have to give him credit. I like his traditional little red Red Wings turtle neck also :) hehe





The 2000 Line Up

Used From

Guess that's about it...sorry it was so boring. I don't have any cool stuff or features or anything, but I just want the wings to
KICK THE AVS BUTTS in the playoffs. Since they're already down 2 - zip...I thought they could use a little pick me up. Now everyone..if you beleive, if you REALLY BELIEVE that the Wings can do it, clap your hands twice! You can do it...everytime someone says they don't believe in the Red of their protective devices gets eaten by the equiptment monster. And I'm sure you can guess which part it unless you want those studly Hockey players to start auditioning for boys choir...teeheehee...let's all beleive and clap.


Wow..that was really cheesey and pointless and stuff, but IT'S OK. Because when you're a true fan you'll do anything, right?

Now, all you Wingers out there, get your game together and go out and play some true Red Wings hockey, k'dokie?



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