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Yeah, so, "The Night 89x Stole Christmas" was a concert held at COBO Hall on December 5, 1999. 
It was good.  When we came out there was a lot of snow.

We got to ride there in a 6 passenger Dodge Ram.  Yum.

Ben Harper

Angela: Ben Harper's music is crappy.  If you like his CD, don't see him live, or your image of him will be ruined.  "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anythign at all."  Ok, I'll stop.

Kristin: But Kristin won't. At first I thought he way a fat white guy...but apparently not. And his music REALLY hurt my ears!!! Whiny and obnoxious.

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Angela: Blink was pretty good and WAY good after listening to Ben Harper!  They weren't the best there, but HECK, what do you expect when Bush is around?

Kristin:  Yeah, I liked Blink a lot! They were no where *near* as awesome as Bush, but still pretty cool. I don't know their names, but the one guy was bouncing  around the stage so much I swear he had springs in his ankles!

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Angela: Oasis was decent, but I prefer the non-live stuff.  Mostly I wasn't paying attentiong because we were busy eating pizza and thining about how BUSH was next.

Kristin:  Yeah, I agree with Ang. Usually I can listen to their CD "What's The Story (Morning Glory)" over and over and it's just really good (mainly 'cause of their Brit voices) but I was too preoccupied over BUSH AND GAVIN ROSSDALE.

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Angela: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!  Bush was good.  "They're very talented."   OHHH Lord, yeah, nothing is better than BUSH! ::drool::

Kristin: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh!!! They were not the best band I've ever seen in the whole wide world. (JUST kidding)  I can't even fathom anyone being as good as they are!!! OK, and now...even if Gavin was a dog I'd still think they ROCKED but it definately doesn't hurt to have the hottest man alive as your lead singer :) And...oooh I got shivers! To quote Angela "::drool::"

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