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Our Friends (hahaha)

Send Hunger Site Greetings


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This is Kristin & Covey, Angela & Breeze, and Adrienne & Jasmine (in that order) at RHS on fine day a few days after Kristin and I got our horses!


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This is Karen, Steve #1, Lauren, and Angela during the last week of Sophmore year.  What the heck am I doing in sweater???


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This is most of my (Kristin's) 8th grade class at Birmingham Country Club after our graduation from Kingsbury. I'm the one in the back with the crutch :)


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This is Kristin, Jenna, and Angela at the 1998 MHJA Banquet after hours of wild partying.


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This is Karen, Lauren, and Cindy at school one lovely morning.


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This is my whole class at graduation!! From left to right (hehehehe) George, Brooke, ME, Jimmy, Tory, Ted, Nick D., Emily, Ashlie, Nels, Beezer, Andrea L., Ton-be, Annie, Chuck, Dukie, and Andrea G. :)


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This is a whole bunch of RHS (barn, not school) people at the "In Gate" restraunt thingy at Win-A-Gin in 1997.  From left to right: Jenny, Kristin, Chrissie, Heidi, Katie (her mom is right below her), Tara, Jessica, Robyn, Mrs. Cook, Dr. Cook, and some other guy.


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Aren't we gorgeous?! Actually, I felt like a Mexican hooker...This picture was taken at Chuck's b-day party after we all got make-overs. (not as if we *needed* them, right? hehe) From left to right is: Andrea L., Andrea G., ME, Brooke, Emily, Annie, Chuck, Hilary (she doesn't go to K-bury), and Tory.


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Here is Kristin, Jenna, Angela, and Ashley on our last day at PR (old barn).  We're glad to be at CR (new barn) but we miss our friends!

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