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Kristal Uzelac

Birthdate: 6/27/86
Height: 4'4"
Hometown: Johnstown, PA
Gym: Parkettes
Age began Gymnastics: 2
Coaches: Bill and Donna Strauss, Robin Netwall, Jack Carter
Parents: Donnie and Brenda
Siblings: Brandy 23, Alan 19, and Donnie 12
Pets: 3 dogs, Rex, Lady, and Buttons


Gymnast(s): Kristen Maloney, Elise Ray, Vanessa Atler and many more
Sports: Gymnastics, football
Colors: Black and Gold (Pittsburgh Steeler Colors)
Apparatus: Floor
TV Shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Movies: Austin Powers, Scream
Subject in School: Spanish
Food(s): French Toast
Singer(s)/Band(s): Britney Spears, NSync


What do you think is your biggest acheivement?
I guess I would have to say winning by 2.2 points at the 2000 USA Championships
What is your goal now?
Stay healthy
How do you feel after winning the Junior National Title again?
correction: Junior Elite International title. It feels great but I know I have a long road ahead.
What's your schedule like?
very busy, however I am going on vacation soon.
What's very important in your life?
my family
What do you want to do in the future?
after competition, I would like a college education and then coach gymnastics
Who would you like to meet?
Do you have advice for other aspiring gymnasts?
No matter what you do, you just got to have fun doing it.
Any special message to your fans out there?
Thank you for all of your support!

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