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Psychic Counselor



My name is"Arachne"

I am a professional Psychic
and a Liscensed Mental Health professional.

I live and work out of Merriam, Kansas (a suburb of the Kansas City Metro area.)

I hope you enjoy your visit to my world, the links below contain information about me,
my prices and services,
my Renaissance Page,
and advice about how to pick the right psychic for yourself.

I recently joined "Keen dot Com" to enlarge the
scope of my services to you.

KEEN members give telephone advice on a variety of subjects.
You can read more about Keen and the services I offer through them,
on the"Services and Prices"
page. If you are already familiar with them,
just click on this link if you would like to join (free)
talk to me now
or make an appt. for a phone reading.
Membership is free. The readings do cost money.

the button will tell you whether I am available now or not.

I have also installed a Message Board
(Discussion Group) which I check daily.
It's free and you may discuss some things there.
I moderate the group and some of my students
and psychic friends drop by, from time to time.

psychic discussion group
Feel free to Click on the Logo and visit.
Post any comments, questions or experiences you may have had
with or about Psychics, and I will answer daily.
My psychic friends may be joining us from time to time.
So the discussions may be interesting.

view my Renaissance Festival page 

I thank you for visiting my web pages. Please feel free to sign the guestbook. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

You may contact me by calling
(913) 831-2268 or
Due to the amount of Spam I get, with the internet robots
roaming around gathering e-mail addresses, it would be better for me if you went
to my message board to contact me. (See link above).
Otherwise, just e-mail me care of: and put arachne8 in front of the @ sign.


Last updated 12/20/2005