Reason 1:
It takes a lot of time and patience, neither of wich I have a lot of. Lazy? You bet. This quote page is completely recreational for me, I'm not getting paid for sponsorship or anything like that.
Reason 2 (the more important reason):
I read quotes for enjoyment, not because I need to find an appropriate one for some occassion. I LIKE that I don't know what the next quote will be about. I LIKE seeing a stupid quote followed by a snatch of poem followed by Shakespeare followed by Confucious followed by Jack Handy followed by Bart Simpson. To me, the variety is what it's all about.
For everyone out there who has asked me for Confucious quotes, I suggest that you visit a Confucious website. I have very few of his quotes on my page--in all honesty, I think Confucious quotes are dry and dull.
I hope I have cleared up any questions about my page! Please e-mail me if you have any further comments.