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Well Well, you want to know about me eh? I'll tell you.
I am a open book...waiting to be published..just kidding!!
I am 42 years old, married for 28 years. Originally, I am from Greece,
I have been living in the United States for the past 25 years.
I love my life here. I have four grown children,
who I love very much, even when they drive me nuts!!!
A son, 26, and 3 daughters, 24,23 and 21.
My husband is originally from Greece as well.
He is a 52 year old, self employed, hard working man.
In 1975, we came to the U.S.A.,
with one suitcase and a hundred dollars in our pocket.
Luckily, due to my husband's hard work,
all of us are enjoying the good things in life!!!!!
(Thank you Gus, we love you!!)
Currently, we are living in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.
It's very beautiful small town in the mountains.
My parents and my only brother with his family are also living here.
Along with many other relatives of mine.
So I am very happy to have them near me.
However, for my relatives and friends
that do live in Greece, we are blessed with the
chance to go visit them every summer!

Aside from my family and friends,
there are 2 other things that I love contributing my time to.
Computers and Greek dancing!!
I am very proud to say,
I learned everything I know about computers on my own!!
I am also a big fan of icq, it's a chat program,
which lets you know when your friends are online.
For those of you who have it and would like
to chat with me, my number is 1404767.
Well that's all I am letting you know about me...
want to know more? Buy the book...hahahaha.
Have a wonderful day!!
Thanks for stopping by!

Want to see pictures of my family and friends? Click below..

This page was last upgreate,11/8/2000
