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The Victor Zapper

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This is the Zapp 1 from Victor Enginering. I feel this is the best and most versitle zapper avalable. Its small easy to use and its more versatle than most other zappers ive seen.

The Zapp 1 has all the instructions on the front pannel and gives tips on zapping and voltages to use. It only has one button and has a built in safty feature that will not charge or discharge unless a cell/voltage is detected at the contacts.

This zapper uses a ribbon contact that is very flexable and insures a good solid coection everytime.

This unit can not only zapp single vergin cells, with or without solder on the cells.

But can also zapp single cells in a pack (side by side form)

If stick packs are the type of packs you use the zapper can be easy changed to accept any type of plug you use and can zapp the pack in the pack with the shrink on. The best thing i like about this unit not only that its very versitle for different cells is that the discharge voltage is also adjustable. it can zapp any where from 0-99 volts its not a preset voltage. so older 1200 SCR cells can be zapped as well as the high capasity 2000's Ive used my unit quite a bit and i got nubers from 1.16-1.17 from my 2000's and i also got 1.15-1.16's from my older 1400's and most of those cells are more than 5 years old. I found that 70 volts was about the allaround best voltage to use but some cells it didnt help so 60 or 75 was required to get these back up to speed.