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Welcome to Smew's World

Welcome to my little world!!
Thank's for stopping matter how you found me. Hope you have fun while you are here and find something of interest to you.
Below you will find links to my other pages and to things that interest me.....and believe me i have a WIDE range of interests! LOL Also you may find pictures and a bit of info about myself, my family, and friends(coming soon, ok ok maybe eventually(throws up hands and rolls eyes) lol). There are also some great links to a few of my friends places. So sit back, relax, and take a few minutes to look through everything. Let me know what ya think. I've just started this page and I will be adding to it often, so be sure to check back.
Hey I now have a Guestbook!! So PLEASE don't forget to sign it.

Again, thanks for stopping and checking out my world!

Thank You My Friends

David....My loving husband. What can I say about you........without you there would be no real me. You are the best friend I could ever have asked for, always there for me, and behind me pushing me forward to be myself. You make my life whole and complete. Thank you for being you, and loving me the way you do. I could never ask for more. I love you very much honey.......forever and always yours!!!

Michele....HOOOAHHHH girl, finally found someone as dirty minded and loud mouthed as I am LOL. Don't know what I'd do without ya (prolly be bored outta my mind) I can always count on ya being there with some joke, snide comment, or juicy gossip just when I need it!! I never know what to expect with you, ya keep me on my toes! Never change on me girl!

MrsSpade...Woman look what you have done to me!!!!!!! LOL You got me addicted to the net.....and to spades, THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! I wouldn't have the wonderful friends i have on here if it wasn't for you. You are certifiable, but i love ya. Thanks for everything.

Tammy a.k.a Tickturd...Oh lady!! You are such a nut!! Always there with soothing words when something is wrong and a big evil grin when things are right. You offer a whole new outlook on life and you are usually right. I know i can always find ya outside smokin with some tidbit of juicy gossip, or something to take my mind off of things. Never change!!

A special Thank You to all my friends! My life wouldn't be the same without any of you. You have each brought a specialness to my life and to my heart. Without friends like you, life would surely be boring!!! Hugs and Smewwwwches to you all.

My Hangout Places!!

Walk along with me and Check out some of my favorite links

Angelfire - Thanks Angelfire for giving me a place to have my own little world! Easiest Free Home Pages

Internet Gaming Zone. The best place on the web for games.......come on in and let's play spades!!!!!!!!

Tattoo's and Piercings. Interested in tattoo's? or Piercings? Well here's the place to go for questions you may have or just to see some great picture's of each.

Quilting. Love quilting. A great place to get idea's and lesson's on different quilt pattern's.

Mplayer...Games. Use your microphone to talk to other players!

I Have Learned. This is a beautiful poem, that hit's on everything in life. A wonderful place to go when you are feeling down.....truely inspirational!

Family Tree. This is my Family Home Page, so far we have traced back to the early 1700's.

MrsSpades Poem Page. You will find a lot of wonderful peotry here. This lady truely has a gift for words!!!

My Other Pages

Story's About Children Page

Military Wives Page/Poems

Adopted POW/MIA Soldiers

James William Holt's Tribute Page

Kenneth Hanna's Tribute Page

Smews Military Links Page

OHHHHH WOW look there's my GUESTBOOK! Imagine that, there it is. Maybe you should sign it now......just so ya won't forget lol

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i've just started this page.....but promise there will be more to come. so be sure to come back and check. thanks

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