To truly understand my story you first must know that I'm male and 1/2
black, 1/2 white; I have 3 much older sisters who basically instilled
in me how to be the "perfect gentleman when I get older" and whom I
looked up too and adore. My dad frequently traveled and always told me
"to be good and be the man around the house" which I took seriously. Oh... I
have an absolutely wonderful and supportive family which I looked up to.
I was raised in a rough black neighborhood and I needed to be tough
because of my color. I frequently got into expelled from
one school because of it. I even took martial arts and self-defense to
make me a better fighter. Well, my parents, while being supportive decided to move to the
suburbs (semi-wealthy white neighborhood). I took it personally and at
the time thought it was because of my fights, so I became peaceful and
vowed never to fight again. I've never fought with anyone in my
family in any way.
Well, the point of all this is that I thought women were absoultely angels
and guys were basically bad.
My first serious girlfriend, Sharon, was 16 (and I was 17). The first few
months were pure bliss. We were each other's first and truly in love. I
had been dumped several times earlier because of my color...and her
parents didn't approve much. I couldn't tell you the first time she
hit me or when it all started, because honestly I don't remember much and I
try not too, but I can tell bits and pieces. I know the first time I
remember was when she agreed to type a paper I wrote for class for me
because she got a new typewriter and wanted to test it out (it was a 7 page
paper I believe). I thought she was wonderful. The next day she had it
and I took it to class, thankful that I was able to play basketball with
my friends instead of worrying about typing a paper. I know I showed some
gratitude but it wasn't good enough. After I got out of class I went to
my locker to see my high school football jacket was torn up and I saw her and she
gave me the evil eye. I remember her slapping me a few times and yelling
at me in front of everyone. It was because I didn't show the
"proper" gratitude. I groveled and pleaded for her forgiveness.
I don't know if this was the first time, but I know it was when she began
to have power over me and you could see she loved it.
She began manipulating her way in to keeping me from everyone except
her, that my friends weren't good enough, or if that if I really loved
her I do what she wanted to please her, which I always did. I quit
playing HS football and stopped seeing my friends. She dumped me
about once a month saying how terrible I was just to see my grovel and cry
for her not to (which she wouldn't). When she went away to college which
was 2 hours away she insist I'd come up every weekend to see her or she'd
kill herself, I always had to say "I love you" at the end of every
conversation, I had to call at least once a day and if I wasn't home
when she called I had to account for my time, and much more. Basically
I could never please her and so she had plenty of reasons to hit me, yell
at me and tell me how worthless I was. One Valentine's day I came up with
roses and a heart shape box of candy. I thought I'd surprise her and
this would make her happy. Instead she threw both back into my face
because I'd gotten them at a store and she began to beat me. Up until now I
just stood there and took it, but this time she kept going and going and
I thought she wouldn't stop, so I crawled under her bed so she couldn't
hit me, but then she took a broom and was poking me as hard as she
could. After a bit she stopped and apologized as usual. Why didn't I
tell anyone? Who'd believe it...a guy getting beat up regularly by a
woman? My parents knew but I denied it all, and I seriously thought it
was all my fault. If I was only better. Oh, by this time she had cheated
on me 2-3+ times. The first time she was apologetic. The other times it
was because I was no good in bed. Oh yeah, that was her biggest blow...if
during sex she didn't have an orgasm she get that pissed look and then
went on for about 15-60 minutes on how terrible I was. After a while I
began drinking to ease thee mental pain that was building up. I never
could get good grades. Did anyone else know? *LOL* They knew, but they
all thought I was being abusive! I had never laid a hand on her and
didn't dare talk back but somehow all that ruckus must be me. The first
time I did try to defend myself is when she slapped me with no warning old instinct kicked in and I pushed her away hard and she
fell over and bruised herself. Of course the cops saw, and they
questioned us separately. They kept asking her how long I was abusing
her (which she denied) and the cop told me how little of a man I was to
hit a woman, and of course I couldn't say she was hitting me.
After a while I had lost contact with all friends and family and she
litteraly had me locked in her room. I was only allowed to go to work or
class. She demanded we had joint checking accounts which meant she got
all my money and then she'd beat me when I complained I couldn't pay my
bills. And I thought it was all me! I repressed it all because my mind
couldn't comprehend how a woman (and in my mind almost all woman were
angels) could be doing this, so I forgot any bad thing she did to me
immediately and drank to help rid me of those memories. And if I did
bring them up she would say that I was lying and made it up to make me
look good. And then tell me how it was me.
The last time she seriously beat me was at her college senior ball (by now
we were 22-21 and were engaged). We went with another couple and she
got totally drunk, so much so we had to carry her home. We tucked her
in bed and then the other couple left. She got up an hour later to use
the bathroom. I insisted I helped her cause she was still drunk. She
flew into a rage and hit, kicked, bit, through things. The cops were
called and the same again. It had to be me despite all my bruises. Well,
the next day she knew she was over the edge and stopped. The physical
abuse stopped; the verbal/emotional abuse worsened beyond belief. I was
insult daily and kept on a tight rope. I felt guilty talking to people
and though I lived in a different apartmentt than her I was only allowed to go
there once a week and only if I had a good excuse. So many rules to
follow. *sighs* Eventually I left her because I thought it was better
for her and that I was no good and never would be. I moved to a different
state with my parents.
One day I was watching Oprah and they were talking about abuse. The
stages and symptoms and it finally dawned on me that was me. I went to
counseling and realized what had happened to me. I still talked to
Sharon almost everyday and she still tormented me over the phone.
I was on my way to getting better, and feeling better about myself,
but by now I had many years and scars to overcome.
That fall, at age 24, I moved into the dorms at the university I'm
attending. At first I told no one. I began seeing a new girl Karen,
who I adored. Well, Sharon got my dorm number and began calling me
there... my roomate saw me breakdown frequently and after one call from
her (Karen and my roomate Cliff were there and saw how it affected me),
I hung up on her broke down and told them the whole story. Karen and I
grew closer and I told here every detail and I went to counseling twice a
week. Things were rough for me...I had flashback frequently and every
time Sharon called I'd be wrecked emotionally for the day and drink. Or
if I had flashbacks I'd drink...but through everything Karen was
supportive, sympathetic and by my side. Like one time a friend of mine
(female) called at midnight and said she was stopping by. I thought it
was Sharon. I panicked and drank a 6 pack in 15 minutes and just stayed
up immoblized by fear. I eventualy worked up the courage and told Sharon
repeatedly to never call or contact me again.
I slowly got better with Karen's support and counseling. Last summer I
was done with counseling cause I was all better and things were looking
great. That is when the second bomb hit: Karen had been cheating and
lying to me for almost 8 months!!! I was shocked beyond belief...
I drank and drank and then drove over to see her. She said she wanted
to be with me and it was a mistake, but she kept saying how she was
afraid how I'd hit her. I was confused. She knew my history and knew I
couldn't hit a woman. I couldn't even defend myself from a woman. Well,
we stayed together but she began to say how bad I was and controlling and
I treated her like Sharon treated me. I was confused. I asked friends
and her roomate and they said it wasn't true. I wasn't perfect but I was
far from bad. After all, she was cheating and lying to me. How could I be
the bad guy? She kept going on how the other guy was perfect and I was
the worst. Two weeks before last Christmas (Karen is Jewish BTW), I took
Karen to a concert to see her favorite band, dinner and the next day
helped her move from the dorms. The moment we finished packing the car
she said "She didn't want to see me again." Shocker #2! The next few
months we fought bitterly, sometimes trying to be friends but more often
then not, it was too painful and we'd fight. I drank heavier and heavier
and became depressed and suicidal. It was all my fault according to her!
I dropped school and avoided everyone.
Well that's my story. I have gone on "dates" every now and then. but
never with the same woman twice and rarely would I kiss a girl or anything
like that. I'm too afraid of them. Funny isn't it: I'm a 26 year old
male who outwardly seems normal, but i'm afraid of woman! I still
suffer depression, memory loss, lack of concentration, always apologizing
and now I abuse myself. How do I do that? I have an inner mental voice that insults me
daily and tells me how rotten I am. I do things on purpose to make my
life tougher (like now I should study but I'm not. I can't because for
some reason I don't want to succeed). I have no idea who I am and have
very few real friends. I've learned all my life to make other people happy
which in turn makes me happy, but rarely could I do anything for
myself. I wish mine were a happy ending; it's not. Maybe if I can
find my angel who could deliver me from this hell...but I haven't.
I guess the major point you should take from this is that anyone or
anything can be abused by anyone...
I recommend those to read "THE VERBALLY ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP." (and their
survivors) Patricia Evans. Bob Adams, Inc. 1992."
This book helped me immensly!
E-mail Gregory at
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