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TTCU's Arabian Registry

Owner: Kristin S.

Hello and welcome to the Tack Trunk Club's Arabian Registry Page! I am the Arabian Registrar, and so I also sanction shows, tally up points, come up with new and exciting ideas for this registry, and promote awareness of the Arabian breed!

The Arabian In General

The Arabian is often regarded as the most graceful horse in the world. It's arched neck and flowing tail gives it a look of supremecy. Though typically regarded as hot, flightly horses, many Arabians surpass their breed stereo-types to become wodnerful family horses.

The Arabian is the purest and oldest breed still in existence today. It has also played major roles in the evolution of most modern day breeds, including *heavy* influence in Thoroughbreds. The most noticeable trait of an Arabian is its dished face. Arab's heads are typically shorter than most horses, and their backs posess one less vertebrate.

To Register!
Register your Araian today!! Not only will registering your Arabian increase it's value, but it will open it up to special stud books, allow it to compete for breed points against other Arabians, *in time* give it the chance to apply for Arabian approval, and make it over all more well known.

$10 For mares, fillies, stallions and colts
$8 for geldings
Please don't register more than 10 horses at once!

Horses's Name

Sire x Dam





Your Barn

E-mail Address


Or send all of the necessary information to me.

NOTE: Please check out the Registered Arabians page if you are missing a horse's number. Also, if you notice any information that needs to be updated, mainly owner, please let me know so I can correct it as soon as possible :)

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