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Mt. Lemon

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A breathtaking view from Mt. Lemon. You can see Tucson in the distance

The mountain we are about to climb.

We went all the way up there.

Cassie and Kirsten on the way to the top.

On top of the world, having a snack.

Being so high up, Jess got a little crazy. She thought we were going to die on the mountain, so she decided Kirsten would make a good steak.

But we found out we could get back down, and Kirst got the gun back and decided to celebrate.

Then I went a little crazy myself and wanted to shoot somebody.

But Cassie wrestled the gun from me and went to hide in the bushes.

Here we are trying to recreate a scene from The Sacrifice. Kirst was Kid and I figured she had to go.

But I had a change of heart and decided to free her instead.

Out of nowhere, a lone gunman showed up and shot us all in our left arms. Poor Jess was down for the count.

Damnit Jessica!!! Don't you die on me!!!.

In front of the mountain we hiked up.

A view from the road.

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