I like being an sometimes
and at other times I like being a little -
, so that way no one can figure me out. Whenever someone thinks they have me figured out, and they think they know everything there is to know about me, I always end up doing something out of the ordinary to really blow their minds. So, when I make like a whirlwind and twirl down the road like a tornado of life. Don't think much of it. Because it's just my way towards the future. What does the future really hold? Life is what you make it out to be for yourself. Are you ready? Well, let's go... and leave the past behind.... and then:
Follow the road towards the future!!!
Endless links to where I may be found.
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
DigitSmith, Inc. - Embroidery Digitizing Matt's Script Archive - & Custom Embroidery Services
Awesome Web Server Scripts