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Autumn Costume Swap to Snow Witch

Ken as a Devil, Christy as a Black Cat, Skipper as a pumpkin and Kelly as a ghost.

I had a hard time letting these ones go. I designed the patterns myself for these 4, the first time doing this and I had a ball.

Here they are with all the goodies that were sent with the swap.

They are now ready to go in there boxes.

here is what Snow Witch had to say about her swap

I got my swap today and it was more than I ever expected. It was made by Terri S. First of all, the box was covered in cool Halloween stickers and a Color Halloween printout as the address box. I opened the box and there was a little card attached to a handmade Trick-or-Treat bag with a neat Halloween print. It said that I had been out Trick-or-Treating and let's see what I got. Well, I scored on that trip big! *S* There were not 1 but 3 boxes decorated with stickers and orange paper. The first was Christie dressed as a black cat. The next was skipper as a pumpkin and a Kelly as a ghost. The third was a Ken dressed as a devil complete with a pitchfork. All the dolls were painted to match there cool costumes. I wish I were as talented as Terri is in making costumes. Then I noticed that there was more in the bag. I reached in and pulled out a pair of Halloween socks and a little Halloween towel. Then I reached in and pulled out some Halloween books. When I realized that this would take awhile I finally dumped out the bag like a little kid to reveal...Halloween pencils, candles, and more candy then I can eat. I Had to give some of the candy to my little brother because I couldn't possibly eat it all. It was so cool!

Thanks Terri for your wonderful swap. It was more then I ever dreamed of. This decription doesn't do your work justice but I hope my meager words will express the enjoyment I got from receiving this swap.

Thanks again and may the Great Pumpking smile on you! Snow Witch