The Young Riders Drinking Game
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The Young Riders Drinking Game

This was a funny idea that I got while watching "Gathering Clouds". Have you ever noticed how a lot of the same things always occur during each episode of TYR. Well, if you did, then here is something to make those little things a bit more interesting. So grab a few of your friends, your favorite episodes, a six pack of Bud (or several!) and see how far you can go before you actually think your living in the Wild West!

The Young Riders Drinking Game!

Drink If:

Anything and Everyone

  • some one uses bad grammar
  • a dog barks
  • a dog crosses the town street (or if a dog is in any scene!)
  • a stage coach pulls into town
  • a window is out broken during a gunfight
  • some one robs The Pony Express
  • some one robs an Army shipment
  • a gunfight breaks out
  • a rider is shot
  • a bad guy is shot and makes one last attempt to get up
    ***drink twice if he gets up twice
  • the Army gets involved
  • the Army gets involved and causes nothing but death and devastation
  • somebody tries to use a gun when it is obvious they don't know how
  • the piano player in the bar is playing his stock tune
  • a woman has a sordid past
  • they show the moon
  • there's Indian drum music
  • during the gunfight, the body counts exceeds 10
  • a regular cast member has a bad past memory/dream
  • a guest actor cant act!
  • a negro spiritual is being sung
  • the riders "save the day"
  • you feel like slapping Rose Mary or Jesse
  • someone has one last comment or confession to make before they die
    ***go ahead and drink twice if their death scene is very unrealistic!
  • while all riding together, the riders stop suddenly for dialogue purposes
  • some one makes a reference to Blue Creek
  • somebody says, "Ike said"
  • somebody tries to break a horse
  • Throughout the episode, if a rider has a moral dilemma (or something that is bothering him) and in the last 2 minutes of the show, he/she figures it out and solves whatever was bothering them and takes on a ride that was suppose to be for another rider, and it shows him riding off into the sunset.
  • if the last line of dialogue in the show includes "Ride Safe."

    Drink Twice If

  • a rider is shot in the arm or leg
  • someone kills there own relative
  • a rider is dressed up. (this goes for each one, not just a scene of all of them, i.e., if they are dressed for a wedding you have to drink a total of 12 times!)
  • some one in the Army is corrupt

    Drink 3 Times If

  • a rider is shot in a way that would normally kill another human being
  • some one who usually doesn't shave has a clean, smooth face

    Rob The Liquor Store If

  • Teaspoon's hair is actually combed!
  • a rider is killed. (not just the Sweetwater/Rock Creek riders. This goes for any member of the Pony Express!)


  • Cody actually uses his pistol
  • Cody makes a smart-assed comment


  • Jimmy roughs somebody up
  • Jimmy and The Kid get into a fight
  • Jimmy doesn't care
  • Jimmy falls for "the wrong woman"
  • somebody makes a joke about Jimmy not shooting something
  • Jimmy looks just too damned sexy for words


  • Sam looks tensely off into the distance
  • Sam disobeys authority
  • Sam is smoking a cigar


  • Ike is seriously hurt
  • a bandana is wrapped around Ike's head to cover up a head injury (not just to cover the fact that he is bald)
  • Ike falls in love
  • anytime someone has to translate for Ike


  • Noah unleashes his bull-whip on somebody
  • a white guy calls Noah a "nigger"
  • Noah calls a white guy "cracker"


  • Emma shows concern
  • Emma gets that "wild eyed" look in her eyes

    The Kid

  • Kid is morally bothered because he had to kill someone.
  • Kid acts dumb when it comes to Lou


  • Jesse is confused and doesn't know what to do
  • Frank shows up for Jesse


  • Buck tracks somebody
  • Buck shoots a bow & arrow
  • Buck says "My People"
  • Buck appears out of nowhere to translate for Ike
  • Buck is torn between two worlds


  • some one refers to Lou as "He/Him"
  • some one can not figure out Lou is a girl at first glance
  • You can sense sexual tension between Lou and Kid
  • Lou actually gets nude


  • Rachel shows cleavage


  • Teaspoon acts like he doesn't care, but he really does
  • Teaspoon explains his personal philosophy about something
  • Teaspoon refers to one of the riders as "Boy"
  • Teaspoon tries to bargain with someone
  • after Teaspoon becomes marshal, he breaks the law himself

    TYR Drinking Game was composed by wCw and Rick Snyder

    Express Station Page

    If you have anything you would like to add, send your suggestions to the following address:
