Spookysloth a.k.a. Sloth
This is the prophet of Sloth, and the almighty founder of the Slothist order. She likes the X-files and dislikes vacuums and ants. She also obsesses over weird men, like Mr.Clean and Fred Savage. Not to mention her fetish over a certain 'soft head'....
E-mail Sloth

Wow, that's me! I am the author of this page. I'm hyper and I have chihuahuas. Make that very hyper... I also detest Hanson, and I love South Park.
Mail me please...I get none and it is pitiful...

She's a slothist, but she really has no significance..(just kidding...)...but she talks really fast and will tell you stories about the Blarney Stone and the Jamaican steel drums if you ask....and the has a psychotic gerbil named Petie. Plus, she makes this really cool gang sign, which later became the official 'gang sign' of the Super Bitch Clan, when she gets all megalomaniac.
If you want to e-mail her..go here.

Exhumed Spud a.k.a. Spud
She helped with this page since she is smart and stuff. She is good at math and incredibly smart. Her nicknames are Bitch and Girdle. and Stephanopolis. She's so great...but she looks sorta like Hanson. She obsesses a lot too, but she's hysterical and kinda psycho sometimes.
E-mail this cool person. She always replies.


Meet one of the newest remotely important Sloths, InvinciBill. But you can call him Billiam. He's odd and is obsessed with some computer game called, "Red Alert." And KU. And the Chiefs.

E-mail ChernoBill.

Caleb, hmmmm....Does anyone really know who he is? huh? I think he likes BOOBS...Don't even ask about midgets..or Ewoks, for that matter..I wonder about midget Ewoks with big boobs...Ewww..I feel dirty and unclean.
Ask him about that midget thing or whatever

Send hate mail to the Thatcher in the Rye...

Damn I'm hyper (Spud speaking) E-mail Bradley if you are an important Slothist that Slothie has converted elsewhere and we don't know.... and you can get on this page... or e-mail him if you want more Sloth info. ok...I'm tired now...ciao peeps.

