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I am the voice that calms the mother

into breathing life back into her

apneic infant son.

I am the invisible hand that holds

and comforts the elderly man who woke

up this morning to find his wife of 50

years has passed away during the night.

I am the friend who talks the

disgruntled teenager out of ending

her own life.

I sent help when you had your first

automobile accident.

I am the one who tries to obtain the

information from callers to ensure

that the scene is safe for those I dispatch

to emergencies--all the while anticipating

the worst and hoping for the best.

I am the psychologist who readily adapts

my language and tone of voice to serve

the needs of my callers with compassion

and understanding.

I am the ears that listen to the needs

of all those I serve.

I have heard the screams of faceless

people I never will meet nor forget.

I have cried at the atrocities of

mankind and rejoiced at the miracles of life.

I was there, though unseen by my comrades

in the field during the most-trying emergencies.

I have tried to visualize the scene to coincide

with the voice I heard.

I usually am not privy to the outcome of a call,

and so I wonder...

I am the one who works weekends, strange

shifts and holidays.

Children do say they want my job when

they grow up. Yet, I am at this vocation

by choice.

Those I help do not call back

to say thank you.

Still there is comfort in the challenge,

integrity and purpose of my employment.

I am thankful to provide such

a meaningful service.

I am a mother, father, sister, brother, son or


I am where you need me and still here when

you don't.

My office is never empty, and the work

here is never done. I am always on call.

The training is strenuous, demanding

and endless. No two days at work are

ever the same.


I am an emergency dispatcher, and I am proud.

Written By: Tracy Cameron

Page Created By: Kathy

This page is dedicated to all

my fellow c/o workers across the nation,

with apperication to all of "us" for our

dedication to our communities and

fellow c/o workers be it in the field

of law enforcement, fire or ems,

exspecially those that gave their

life in the line of duty.

"Thank You for your service!"

If you know a dispatcher

or someone who who works in the line

of police, fire, or ems share this page

with them by clicking below.

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