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My Magical Mystical Daughter

You my daughter are as magical and mystical as the unicorn.

From the day I felt you fludder within me I knew you were going to bring magical delights into my world.

I remember holding you tight the day you arrived looking in amazement into your beautiful hazel eyes.

As magical and mystic as the unicorn you are.

Your smile would always bring the sunshine into my life.

Your glisting eyes dance like the stars above. Your beautiful blond hair like strikes of sunshine. Your magical voice when you sing sounds like angels from heaven.

You are as magical and mystical as the unicorn.

You fly high with arms as your wings, your soul lifting you higher and higher.

As you enter your teens, I see such grace, such beauty, I am in awe as I watch you grow.

You have captured my heart with your magical ways.

Such pride I hold for you my mystical one.

You are my special magical mystical daughter.

My love is overwhelming for you.

I was given a gift when you came into my life.

Fly high, reach out for the world, you are gifted and will go far. Never let go of your dreams and follow your heart.

Thank you for making my world one filled with magic and love.

You are my special magical mystical one!

Dedicated to: Jessica Lynn Stachowicz 01/07/86 With much love....MOM

Meet My Magical Mystical One:

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