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My son, my rainbow

My sweet little man,

I remember so clearly like it was yesterday,

the day you blessed me by coming into my life.

I came so close to losing you, but

you fought right along with the

doctors to stay with me.

the monitor buzzing...

the doctors words "No heartbeat"

How I prayed to "GOD" to spare you,

not to take this angel from me yet.

I remember coming to, and asking for you.

How I wanted to hold your tiny little body

in my arms, against my heart.

To look into your tender sweet little face,

to kiss those tiny little lips. To whisper

"I LOVE YOU" and "mommie is here with you."

You were special from the beginning,

I just did not realize right away how

very special you were,

You were then and now my son...

my rainbow in my life.

Through you, I have learned how

percious life is, how little

accomplishments for some are

milestones for others.

You have always showed so much

courage, strength, and endurance

you amaze me.

I have spent much time, helping you

over little hurdles in your life.

From learning to blink your eyes,

to walking up stairs. You never

tired of learning, always reaching

out wanting more.

How I will always hold in my heart,

the struggle you had just to say

"mama", and the music it brought

to my ears the day I heard it so clearly.

The percious moments I spend with you,

when you just walk up to me and offer

a hug, a kiss and "I wuv ou mama".

You are the rainbow in my life.

I thank god each day for blessing me

with you. You my little man have

taught me far more then I know I

will ever teach you.

You paint my world with rainbows

through your love, your wisdom, your


How I want to hold you and protect you,

but you are a strong willed one, and you

will conquer what ever you put your mind to.

How you are adored and admire and love.

I am so proud to be blessed by you

my son and your speical needs.

You have a place in this world and

that is here with me. You are loved

unconditionally and I hold you close

to my heart now and forever.

Thank you my son for painting rainbows

in my life.

deciated to : Jacob Thomas Stachowicz 12/22/92

created and written by : Kathy

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