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Cyber Friends

I meet you on a screen

A name I did not know

You offered your friendship

As if you were holding out your hand

I reached out and held it close to me

I have never seen the laughter in your eyes

Nor the smile that shines

and brings warmth to my heart

Our paths may never cross in real life

But I know here in cyber space

I have a friend in you

Your sweet words & humor bring joy to me

As you type them on the screen

It sheds a new light and meaning

to friendship

Miles apart as if in another world

Yet here we sit and chat as if

we were talking over coffee in our home

You my cyber friend I hold dear to me

And though our paths in life may never

cross in person

I know I have a friend in you

You listen and understand as though

connected but not just by the net

I thank you for you friendship

Even though some may say

it is only on the net

I know a friend for life I have in you.

As I click on the computer

I wait to see if your name pops up

I want to share todays events with you

My cyber friend yes you shall be

created and written by: Kathy

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