Pop Stars Who Abuse Their Fans and the Fans Who Love Them

I can't believe the nerve of some of these pop stars. They owe everything to their fans and they still treat them like crap. It's disgusting. You'd think they'd be grateful to the people that got them where they are today. But no, they go and act a bunch of spoiled children and then wonder why no one respects them. Here are some of the fan abuse stories that I've heard. If you or someone you know has been abused by a pop star and you'd like the world to know, email me and I will post your story here. To the best of my knowledge, these stories are true.

Fan Abuse Story #1. This story is probably the most famous example of fan abuse. The Associated Press even reported on it. It all began when the Make a Wish Foundation contacted a five-year-old girl with leukemia and asked her if she could have one wish granted, what would it be. She told them that she wanted to meet the Backstreet Boys. The boys were on tour at the time, and coincidentally, they were going to perform in the city where this little girl lived. The Make A Wish Foundation contacted the BSB and asked if they would meet with the little girl. The manager then goes to the BSB and asks them if they will meet with the little girl. He/she makes several attempts to get the BSB to meet her, but they keep refusing. Finally the manager gives up and lets them know that the BSB won't meet the little girl. (Side note: N'Sync, however, did agree to meet with the little girl. She went along with it even though they weren't her first choice.)

What really galls me about all this is that even after refusing to see a dying fan, the BSB had the audacity to release a song about how much they love their fans. As if that isn't the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard! BSB, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. It's not like you would have had to go out of your way to see the kid. You were going to be in her city, probably no more than 15 miles from her. You couldn't even take one fucking half hour to meet with her? What is wrong with you? You guys are sick!

A couple of readers have alerted me to the site www.bsband.com. This site is maintained by a member of the Backstreet Boys' band, and he offers an explanation for the BSB's behavior. According to him, a mixup with the paperwork led to all this. Personally, I'm a tad skeptical since this guy a)might be worried about keeping his job b)might be a friend of the boys who wants to stick up for them (hey, if they were my friends, I'd do it too) or c)all of the above. Also, none of the other sources I consulted on this mentioned the paperwork thing. My advice to you is to read what he has to say and judge for yourself.

Fan Abuse Story #2. This story was posted on the N'Sync N'Duces Vomitting message board by a girl named Gaby.

I won backstage passes (won?? it was more like a punishment) and tickets to her concert. I brought my little sister for a birthday gift, and we were trying to watch the concert up in the front row, amid these 11 year old girls pressing their boobs up and screaming "I love ya Britney" and 43 year old men doing the same thing!! My sister had this sign that had a picture of Britney's face and text saying "BRITNEY IS #1!!" She asked me if we could go backstage now so we could get her sign and our passes signed So we went backstage with my passes (that have huge faces of britney with her name written in curly letters) We happened to have gone backstage during a set break and I saw Britney. Figuring I could sell the pass on Ebay especially if it had her signature, I went up to her, with my 8 year old sister who is her BIGGEST FAN (I mean t-shirts, rugs, every magazine that mentions Britney's name, toothbrush, even when we went to england, all she bought was overseas britney stuff) so my sister, who's name happens to be Brittany, asked Britney for a signature. When Britney spelled Brittany's name like Britney, Brittany asked Britney to change it. BRITNEY started yelling and calling my 8 year old sister names like whore, bitch, skank and trailer trash. needless to say, my sister was bawling because her idol just crushed her. I started yelling at Britney, asking her who she thought she was. Her answer? "What do you mean who AM I? I AM BRITNEY! EVERYONE LOVES ME!! YOU ALL DO!! ADMIT IT!! NO MATTER WHAT!!!" I was thinking what does she think she is?! She doesnt even have a super voice (she can carry a tune... barely) We were escorted back into the audience with security. Later my sister got a letter "from Britney" meaning from her PR that Britney had a hard day and was stressed out because her "dog" was sick. My sister is now a Britney-ette again.... Which is sad.. I think Britney brainwashed Brittany....

Fan Abuse Story #3. This was sent to me by CharityBazaar:
Once upon a time, I used to love R.E.M.

But after returning home to D.C. from Athens, Georgia (the group's home turf and home to a cousin of mine) spring of 1999, I lost interest. You see, I came down there for the express purpose of meeting Mills and Stipe (Buck lives in Seattle, Washington these days) and to get their autographs; I wasted a whole week there, although I otherwise enjoyed my stay in the old college town. In waiting for the bus to take me to Atlanta from Athens, I looked out of the corner of my eye and I could have sworn I saw Mills (I thought I had a crush on him, but he turns me off now) and Stipe in a car staring at me. It seems to me that by doing this they were taunting my failure to run into them. Needless to say, I left Athens, feeling totally let down and abandoned by an otherwise great band, my loyalty and love for them never having been realized.

I had been a member of their fan club for 3 years, but I refused to renew my membership when it was up for renewal last August. I read somewhere about another black fan of the group complaining about some unspecified racist statements Stipe may have made and no, I'm not at all surprised that R.E.M. (which, to me, stands for "Really Evil Men") are a bunch of racist, anti-black rednecks. Had I been white, ten years younger, slimmer and prettier, they would have been only too happy to give me their autographs. In being a member of the fan club, I had written them a letter last year stating that I was going to be in Athens and spend a week there, thinking that it would be all the time I needed to catch them a month before they started their puny world tour of "UP". What a big waste of time for me; I guess I've learned my lesson.

Fan Abuse Story #4: This was sent to me by Jensen L. Cowart.

I'm not a fan of Brittany Queers .. I mean Spears,but I found this thing article on her on CDNow.com that made me wonder why some people think shes a role model even more then I already do. It starts out when this news thing said "Brittany Spears forced to cancel gig in Denver".I became quite curious on why she didn't play so I clicked on it and read it. It said she refused to play because (get this) the stage was to big. After reviving my hysterical laughter,I read how hard it was for the guy that owned the stadium to tell his 5 year old daughter that Brittany Spears wasn't going to play this year and how the bitch wasn't even going resedule the show. Wow Brittany, What a wonderful thing you did,You Probably made some new fan by pulling that stunt,BITCH.(I misspelled some words I'm sorry for that)

Fan Abuse Story #5: This also came from the N'Sync N'Duces Vomitting message board. It was posted by Renee Shaw.

A co-worker of mine told me that her brother drove Justin around in Columbus when they were here for their concert. In general, he was a jerk, but at one point this little girl came up to him and held out a paper and pen for an autograph. She was really shy about it. Justin told her, "I don't sign autographs outside of autograph sessions." The driver told him to sign the autograph for her, and he did. Personally, I think any celebrity who whines about autographs and paparazzi and such should remember that it is little girls like her who keep them from having to get a real job.

Fan Abuse Story #6: This was sent to me by a girl named Jen. It originally appeared in an Atlantic City Newspaper.

Oops! She did it again! Britney Spears managed to anger many fans.

The Aug. 25 concert that Spears performed in Atlantic City was quite a negative experience when it was supposed to be a dream come true for most.

Granted, Britney may get millions of flowers and gifts whenever she performs, but to be so unappreciative that you do not accept them in front of your own fans is disturbing.

You can refuse to accept your fans' gifts; that's your choice. But what fans are you gonna have if they continue to see concert security walking away with the precious gifts they got for you?

In Britney's eyes, these gifts mean nothing. But coming from little children, they are valuable. Most are quite expensive, such as the dozen roses from a 7-year-old boy who was quite disappointed and didn't understand why he could not leave them for her.

Also, Spears allows no autographs, pictures, etc. She is definitely in the wrong business, because if she doesn't please some fans, she won't have any. She acts as though she is untouchable when she doesn't even rank with some of the most powerful musicians out there.