You might be a teenybopper if... don't realize that Marilyn Manson is a poser who just wants attention. actually bought the Spice Girls' solo albums. pretend to like Korn or Limp Bizkit so that people won't say you're a teenybopper. don't realize that Limp Bizkit is a band and not a person.'re mad at Eminem because of what he said about Christina Aguilera/Britney Spears/N'Sync in his song "Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?" think sending hatemail to an anti-site is a productive use of your time. were one of those people that ran out and bought two copies of N'Sync's new CD so that they could break the Backstreet Boys' record. saw that commercial for J-14 and wanted to run out and buy it. think Justin from N'Sync is actually cute. Hmm... actually, they're all pretty ugly. OK, correction: you might be a teenybopper if you think anyone from N'Sync is attractive. think any music you don't like must glorify death and must not require much talent. think that everybody who disses your favorite boy band must like some other boy band better or be a Marilyn Manson fan. don't understand why people wouldn't like pop. think that people who don't like pop don't have a right to make websites like this one. think all Gothics are violent. think all rock fans are suicidal, drug addicted punks who don't have lives. find Carson Daly attractive.
...your parents asked you what you wanted for your birthday and you said,"Nick Carter in a big red bow," and were serious. don't understand why anybody would listen to music made before 1996. get extremely upset if someone so much as hints that Ricky Martin, Leo DiCraprio, or anyone in a boy band is gay. watch TRL religiously. think "Titanic" was a cinematic masterpiece. think Britney's breasts are real. think the BSB, Ricky Martin, and/or Britney Spears got cheated at the Grammys. saw "Spiceworld" in the theater and admit to it. think the story about the BSB refusing to see a fan with cancer is a lie. think TRL is a good show.
...your #1 ambition in life is to be the next Britney Spears or to marry Ricky Martin/someone in a boy band. don't find anything wrong with the fact that boy bands don't play their own instruments. have been on TRL and you're not a musician or a VJ.'ve ever sent hatemail to or said something hateful in the guestbook of an anti-site.'ve been to this site or a site like it and gotten really offended. subscribe to Bop or Tiger Beat. think Britney and Justin really aren't going out. don't believe that boy bands/Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera/Ricky Martin are just passing fads. think anyone who doesn't like pop is a dork and/or that people who have anti-sites are jealous losers who don't have lives. refuse to believe that the BSB, N*SYNC, 98 degrees, or Boyzone are manufactured.

More to come!!