Moron Mail

I got so much mail from Kristen and Nicole that I decided to give them their own page. Enjoy! ( and are Kristen's emails; Nicole's is

Name: Kristen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sac Town!!!!!Westside!!!!!! I can see she's been influenced by Justin Timberlake
Time: 2000-07-04 01:18:36 Happy Independence Day to you too.
Comments: Watt iz wrong witt u? What's wrong with me? I think you better ask yourself that question since you're the one that spells like a 1st grader. How can u not like pop music. Quite easily, thank you. It rules!! ROTFL! Watt iz wrong witt pop?? Read my site. Britney Spears did not get breast implants and neighter did Christina. And if you believe that, then I've got some Arizona swampland to sell you. If you didnt like pop artists then y did you make a whole site about em? It's fun! you aint got a life. *smacks forehead* Do you teenies not read, or are you just too stupid to come up with anything more original? And btw, at least I wasn't off signing g-books on a national holiday. I dont care what u be sayin. Then why did you bother to sign my guestbook? If you didn't care, you'd just roll your eyes and go look at someone else's page rather than taking the time to try to insult me. Watt does shoppin at Gap or having Hotmail or watchin Titanic have to do witt pop fans? Nothin! Uh... when did I talk about Hotmail or Titanic... oh you mean the teenybopper purity test... I didn't write that, moron. I thought you'd be able to tell since it's in a different font from my site and the URL is completely different. (My bad for not saying it was someone else's.) And besides, if I thought Hotmail was for teenies, would I have an account with them? You are so steriotypical. Said the person who just stereotyped me. You are a liar. You aint in college. No, you're a liar. You aren't really from the hood. Most likely, you're a white girl from the burbs, just like me and the boppers. I am soo smarter than you. LMAO! You can't spell worth shit, your grammar sucks, and you think you're smart? LOL, that is too funny! I gotta say Peace Peace Tricky Tricky Tricky to my homies. Westside. PEACE!! *groans* Just as I feared... Justin Timberlake has created an entire generation of wannabe gangsta posers.

07/26/00 10:19:41 PM
What is your name? Nicole
How did you find this Web Site? from my friend Kristen Why am I not surprised?
Where are you from? sacramento, Baby!!!!
Favorite part of the site? The hate mail against YOU!! What a coincidence, that's my favorite part too.
Least favorite? the hating pop part. Awww, so sorry.
Do you have any comments? I hate people like you!And what makes you think I care?there is nothing wrong with pop. Apart from the fact that it's the worst music ever made and the artists are a bunch of no-talent hacks. i love britney and bsb and christina. You poor child. except i hate *n suck. Does your friend hate them too? Because she sure sounds like Justin.what do u like? A lot of different things. See the about me section. Rap or something gay like that? I used to like rap, but that was a long time ago. Rap is the worst kind of music that ever was invented! No, that's pop, lol. Or do you like rock or something? Among other things, yes. Your point being? Because POP is the absolute BEST!!ROTFLMAO!! I don't know what's funnier, your defense of pop music or that you think I'll actually buy it. Unlike rap you can understand what they are saying. Yes, you can understand what they're saying, but is it worth listening to? And it makes sense. Uh huh... and I'm the Queen of England. And so what if Britney Spears got a boob job. Every woman in the entertainment business does.Why point her out? Because unlike them, Britney was a MINOR at the time, and she lied about it. If she'd just admit to being enhanced like Pamela Anderson did, I'd have a lot more respect for her. I think your an idiot and there is no point for your website. I think you're an idiot because you don't realize that hatemailing me will get you nowhere. YOU SUCK!!! *yawn* Can't anybody come up with anything more original than that?

A few days later, I recieved this email from Kristen:
Subject: watt yo prob......
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 21:47:59 +0800
i wrote u a hate letta bout yo site and you be playa hatin by sayin i waz a liar that i be in the hood. i never waz sayin i was in da hood. yeah i be a white girl from the burbs.So what. get a life!!!!!!!

This was my response:
You talk like you're from the hood. People who talk like gangsters but aren't really gangsters are posers. I don't hate players, I hate posers. I have a life. I suggest you get one too and stop pretending to be something you're not.

Subject: Re: watt yo prob......
I aint no poser. u dont even know me so u be playa hatin. u need a life u be on da comp 24/7

LOL!! I'm only on the computer at work. Outside of work, I stay as far away from the computer as I can. You already said you're a white girl from the burbs, and white girls from the burbs aren't gangsters, no matter how much they pretend. Oh and YOU seem to have spent all day emailing me, even after YOU said YOU weren't sending me any more mail. I don't think I'm the one that doesn't have a life, dearie.

PS - My priorities are school, work, boyfriend, friends, organizations, family, dog, chores, website, in that order.

Subject: Yo playa hata......
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 14:00:35 +0800
This be da last letter i be sendin u. U be sayin u aint no playa hata. Watt up witt dat?? U be treatin me witt disrespect and guess what. Da word playa hata be originated in Sac Town! Yeah Westside!!!! Watts up now??What? What? I bet u are just jealous of da pop artists cuz they got mo skillz den you do. How can u be talkin bad bout Nsync?? They be da best group ever!! Nsync are gonna be lastin foreva.So bye bye bye and Peace Tricky Tricky to my homies and all u gangstas out there. Cuz I be serious when i say i am gonna get yo site shut down!! Oh yeah!! Westside!!!

You make me laugh. Unfortunately I'm laughing at you and not with you. You said this was the last letter you'd send me, but there are three more after it in my inbox. And how can I hate players when I don't know any players? And oh yeah, I'm soooo jealous of someone whose career will be over in 2 years.

PS - If I don't have a life, why did *you* spend a whole afternoon emailing me?

Subject: i hate u
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 14:06:44 PDT
hey i thought i would email you telling you that anything besides pop sux!britney never denied anything so stop lyin'. pop roks man! and i am gonna shut down your website somehow. you just be waitin' u will see.


Shut down my site? Whatever. Anyway, I have the whole thing backed up on a floppy disk, so I could get it back up pretty quickly. Britney denies getting implants all the time, where have you been? If you like pop, fine, I don't care. My question to you is, why do you care that I don't? Don't you have anything better to do with your summer than send me hate mail?

Subject: shut down yo site......
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 14:07:45 PDT
U best stop dissin or u be wishin u never made da site.

Considering you don't know my name, don't know how to find me, and don't even live in the same time zone as me, I'm not scared.

Subject: wazzup??
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 14:12:48 PDT
where you be from??

Nowhere near you.