Quotable Quotes

I love quotes! Here are some good ones I found on pop music. My comments are in italics.

The next four Britney quotes were sent to me by BACS2000@aol.com. They originally appeared in the Boston Globe on 8/25/00.

"Well, really, I mean, every day is different for me. Like today, I'm focusing on trying to sing and dance at the same time." -Britney Spears If you have that much trouble singing and dancing at the same time, Brit, maybe you're in the wrong business.

"She's been probed, prodded, maligned, molded, sold, adored, and sold some more. She's fabulous. She's talentless. She's adorable and horrifying." -Joan Anderman, Globe Staff, the unfortunate interviewer. I couldn't have said it better.

Joan: This spring you also got to be part of another hit single, the Eminem song. Do you take that as a crude, good spirited joke, or is it really a dis? Britney: I think it's cool. You know*, it's just flattering when someone will, you know, write about you in their song. * Britney said the words "You know", "Like", and "You know what I mean" a total of 18 times in the short interview. Earth to Brit... Eminem called you garbage, you moron! That's not flattering! And I don't think I need to comment on the "you know" thing; that's just par for the course.

Joan: Could you talk a little bit about any back-to-school memories you have?
Brit: Back-to-school memories? You know, Brit, school, that place where you got all those pretty Fs on your homework.
Joan: Yes
Britney: Really, I remember when I was, like, in the second or third grade, my favorite thing to do--I know this sounds really retarded--but to go to Wal-mart and get all my supplies. That was so much fun when I was younger. -Britney, attempting to sound Bostonian. Brit, stop pretending to be smart. No one's buying it.

"If you really want to torture me, sit me in a room strapped down to a chair and put Britney Spears on on. Over and over again. That would be eternal hell for me. I mean it. The worst." -Cameron Diaz

"I always listen to 'Tearin' Up My Heart' before I go on stage. It reminds me to wear a bra." -Britney Spears. I promise you I did not make that up. Yikes, and I thought Christina Aguilera was a moron.

"Pop is actually my least favorite kind of music, because it lacks real depth." -Christina Aguilera. Then why do you sing it, dumb fuck?

"Well it depends. I mean for a start I wouldn't date black guys you know, coming from the South, there just aren't any minorities there, so it's like a major shock when you go to the big cities and all, and they're just everywhere!" - Britney Spears, on dating a fan. Racist bitch. I came from a mostly white community too, but you don't see me talking about minorities like they're a disease.

":While several Cherion-crafted kiddie-funk jams serve up beefy hooks, shameless schlock slowies, like 'E-Mail My Heart,' are pure spam." Rolling Stone review of ..Baby one more time

"And here are the members of N'Sync: the cute one [Justin], the mature one [Chris], the ugly one [JC], the ugly one [Lance], and the ugly one [Joey]." Jon Stewart from The Daily Show.

"We're the No. 1 homo band," (one of the BSB. (from Howard Stern show) I have nothing against gays, I just think this quote is amusing. They can't sing worth crap, but the BSB can laugh at themselves (or at least pretend to).

"Well, you learn something new everyday." - Christina Aguilera after learning that the Cannes film festival is in Cannes. Further proof for my theory that Christina was dropped on her head as a child.

"I'm like an ocean cause I'm really deep." - Christina Aguilera. I swear I did not make that up. Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life in Christina's house.

"I think everybody should have a great Wonderbra. There's so many ways to enhance them, everybody does it." - Christina again. Wonderbra? Yeah, right. If that's a Wonderbra, then I'm buying them at the wrong place, because they sure don't help me that much!

"Don't get me started. These fucking brats can't sing . . . gimme back my $16" - Eminem, on N'Sync.

"And Britney's garbage. What - is this bitch retarded?" - Eminem

"I wasn't expecting it... I'm such a newcomer among all these people." - Christina Aguilera, on recieving her Grammy. Uhhh... earth to Christina, the award you got was for best NEW artist!!! They were all newcomers, you idiot!

"As an artist, I don't want to kiss Carson Daly's ass just to get played." - Trent Reznor, on Total Request Live.

"How does Macy Gray or Kid Rock not win over Christina Aguilera?" - Courtney Love

"I've slept with all of the boy bands. I know all about them." - Elton John. Elton, I'm disappointed... I thought you had better taste than that...

"Let the lip-syncing begin." - Chris Rock, introducing N'Sync at the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards.

"We've got this whole new concept. We go out on stage, play all our own instruments, sing all our own lyrics, and nothing's choreographed. It's wacky!" - Kid Rock

"I can't believe that the Monkees are not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. That is a joke. We were one of the forerunners from the '60s." - Davy Jones, former Monkee. I have to agree with him on this one... after all, the Monkees were one of the first groups to get a record deal without writing songs or playing instruments. Who knows where music would be today without them? Probably a lot better off...

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