Teenyboppers: The Real Problem

Teenyboppers are the real scourge of modern music. Without them, we might never have to put up with the likes of the BSB, N'Sync, Britney, Christina Aguilera, 98 degrees, or any other annoying pop artists.

Dumbass teenyboppers often come into anti sites (so far they haven't found this one) and send hate mail. Hello, as if that will make the site's creator change his/her mind? Then they claim that the creator of the site has no life, is jealous, secretly likes the band or is gay/a ho. Teenyboppers also have no sense of spelling and grammar. It seems they spend more time lusting after bad musicians than trying NOT to make themselves look stupid. (Note to teenies: if you want anybody to respect you on or offline, you really need to make sure you spell things right and use correct grammar and punctuation. Otherwise, you'll never be taken seriously. You'll thank me for this when it comes time to write essays for your college applications.)

Teenies also tend to be prejudiced against music that's not of their generation. Never mind the fact that the Beatles' songs are thousands of times better written than anything a boy group has written, or the fact that Debbie Harry (lead singer of Blondie) has more talent in her little finger than Brit has in her whole body, teenies still say Blondie's and the Beatles' sucks because it's "old." Hmm... something's not right about that last sentence... oh yeah, boy groups don't write their own songs (except for Hanson). Correction: The Beatles wrote way better than whoever writes for the boy bands.

My advice to all you teenies: open your minds. Not everyone likes your favorite artist, whoever they may be. Broaden your horizons; you may actually like some music that's older than you are. (But I'll understand if you don't like disco; it appears I'm the only person on earth that does.) Most importantly, get a life. Anti-sites say loud and clear that they are ANTI sites for humor purposes only. This means that you don't belong there. I happen to like Celine Dion, but I don't visit the anti-Celine sites because I know I'm not welcome there. Why should I care if someone else dislikes her? It's a free country, they can make fun of whoever they want, and if I don't like it, I don't have to read it. I respect their opinions (even though I disagree with them) so I don't make an ass out of myself by sending hatemail to the site's creator.

I used to have a link to Team Rocket 3001 on my site. For those that don't know, they are a bunch of teens who can't take a joke and call every anti-pop and anti-Pokemon site a hate site. Their site is down now. Let's hope they have seen the error of their ways.

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