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Here is the banner for my page! If you like, go ahead and take it. My page is link free! ^^

Text Links

Well...I don't have any banners or anything to put up...So there is only a text link section for now. ^_^ I will have it up sometime (hopefully). ^-^

Tail Blazer Thisis a friend of mine's page. ^^ Pretty good actually.
A Very (very) Pathetic Web Page In my opinion this is not a pathetic web page at all....Its actually rather good.
Cloud's Chocobo Stand Here is a good place to go if you're a big Final Fantasy VII fan.
Riley15's webpage This is one of my friends web pages, its pretty good.
Angelfire's Homepage The wonderful people who gave me my free site....
Emiko's Genesis This is a really, really cool site! He even has online manga! And it's good too! Not often you find stuff like that.
Fanart HQ A good place to see online manga. It has people with tons of talent doing what they do best......drawing! If you really want to see some cool stuff, go to the Impromanga section.
