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Chapter 10...Let's Have A Party

The time was half eight and I still couldn’t decidead what to wear for Brian’s birthday party. I didn’t feel in the mood for a party, but I knew I had to go, for Brian’s sake.
In the end I picked out a pair of dark green combat trousers, dark green shirt and black boots. Strange thing to wear at a party I know, but, it’s what I like to wear.
I quickly brushed my hair and made my way to the hotel’s reception.
Quite a few people had already gathered in the reception, all waiting for the last people to turn up. We had decidead to all go in three mini buses to the Night Club they had closed just for Brian’s birthday.
I stood on my own, kicking my shoes about, waiting for someone I knew to turn up.
I heard a door open and looked up to see Nick walking over to me. I breathed a sigh of relief.
‘ What’s up Kate?’ He asked while clipping his Cellphone onto his black jeans.
I shurgged and looked at the clock. ‘ Where is everyone?’
‘ I don’t know, I haven’t seen anyone.’ Nick looked around him. ‘ There’s Bri!’ He started swinging his arms round for Brian’s attention. Brian saw him and pounded over.
‘ Hey Frick!’ Brian cried.
‘ Frack!’
This “Frick and Frack” thing carried on for a couple of minutes until Brian settled down and realised I was there.
‘ Ahhh! My baby!’ He exclaimed and put his arms round me. ‘ Sorry, I didn’t see you.’ I smiled and he kissed me on the cheek.
He looked me over. ‘ Honey!’ He said in his “Gay man” accent. ‘ You look like a thousand dollers!’
Nick, Brian himself and a few people close by started laugthing. I blushed and whacked Brian on the arm. ‘ Shut up Brian!’
Brian kissed me on the lips. ‘ I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.’
I nodded, knowing that he probably would.
I looked around and noticed that practically everyone was here now.
Marisa and Randy stood in the middle of the floor and started shouting for everyone to come round.
‘ Is everyone here?’ She asked.
A low ‘yeah’ called out from the group.
‘ Okay then!’ She clapped her hands together. ‘ Lets get moving!’
All forty of us crew plus the crews family and friends poured into the Night Club they management had hired for Brian’s birthday bash.
As we all crammed in, I lost grip of Brian’s hand. I looked around for a face I knew, but I was lost. I didn’t recognise any of the faces that I saw.
I started to panic when I felt some arms wrap round my waist. I turned round to see the face. It was Nick.
‘ Though you were lost did ya?’ He whispered into my ear. I was about to lie and tell him I was doing fine on my own, when the loud music started pumping through the Club’s speakers which were fixed up on the walls.
Nick grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. We pushed and pulled through the dancing body’s until we where in the darkest corner on the Night Club’s dance floor.
The music, which happened to be The Spice Girls (I know, great music!) pounded out of the speaker which was behind Nick.
Nick was jabbering on and on about something which I couldn’t understand a word of. I tried to tell him that the music was too loud, but for some unknown reason, he thought I was asking him for a drink and ran off in the direction of the drinks table.
For the third time that night I was on my own, lost yet again. I wrapped my arms round myself and looked at all the people dancing. For a spilt second I thought I saw a one of the Hanson brothers. I shook my head, telling myself that it couldn’t of been, when I saw the boy again. As I walked closer, to get a better look, I finally saw who it was. It was a Hanson boy.
My heart started to pound as I started at the back on Taylor’s black t shirt and jeans. I had to go and talk to him, but what was I going to say?
“ Oh hey Taylor! Just thought I would tell you that I love you and your music and I just so happen to have 134 posters of you and your brothers on my bedroom wall at home.” Nah, for some reason, that didn’t sound to good.
Maybe Nick knew him? I could use him as a way of getting to know Taylor.
I smiled and looked around for Nick. I spotted him, in the same place where we were dancing, holding two drinks in his hands, looking around for me.
I waved to him and shouted at him to come over. He placed to two drinks on the table by him and walked over.
‘ Nick’ I shouted into his ear. ‘ Do you know Taylor Hanson?’
Nick looked over my shoulder and caught a glimpse of Taylor’s long blonde locks.
He nodded. ‘ Want me to talk to him?’
I beamed and watched as Nick tapped Tay on the shoulder. Taylor - who was very red in the face - smiled and shock Nick’s hand. They started talking (Which I couldn’t hear a word of) until Nick turned round and pointed to me. Taylor smiled and moved over to me.
‘ Hey Kate. I’m Tay.’ He shouted and held out his hand. I shook his hot and sweaty hand(No, I’m never going to wash it again).
‘ Nice to meet you Tay.’
He turned to Nick. ‘ Mind if I steal your date and have a quick dance?’ Nick told Tay that he didn’t mind as he knew I totally loved Hanson. Taylor playfully punched Nick on the arm and took my hand. We walked to the centre of the dance floor and, like you normally do on a dance floor, we danced! As we danced, Taylor asked if Nick was my boyfriend. I told him Brian Littrell was. Taylor’s face fell, then he asked me how old I was. I told him I was 15, 16 in June. He told me he was 15 in March. I was going to tell him that I knew that, but decided to play it cool and not act like an obsessed fan, which I am.
Just as soon as the song had started, the song ended. Taylor shock my hand again, told me he hoped to see me soon(Oh he will do, June 16th, second row from front, Wembley Arena to be precise!) and walked off.
And yes, you’ve guessed it, I was left on my own again for the fourth time that night. But by now, I didn’t care and carried on dancing.
After what seemed like an hour, I decided to have that drink Nick had gone and got me. I walked over to the table Nick had left the drinks, and sure enough, the two drinks where still there, sitting on the table.
Now, my Dad always told me, never leave your drink at a Night Club, and if you do, never drink it afterwards because you never know what someone may or may not have done with your drink.
As I held the drink in my hand, I looked over at the drinks table, to see if I could get myself another drink. There was a queue as long as the Titanic, and I didn’t feel like waiting around, so I drank the drink.
The Coke tasted sweet as it poured down my throat, the ice coldness stinging my mouth.
When I had finshed my drink, I wanted another as the Coke tasted so good. I put the cup down and picked up the other one by it. When I was finished drinking, I went back to the dance floor... and collapsed

