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Chapter 11...Don't Take To Long

This chapter is dedicated to James Tompson who past away last year after taking drugs

This chapter was helped writen by Ryan Alexrander

Brian jumped to the beat as the music pumped out of the speakers. Nick
danced beside him, throwing his arms in the air and sreaming like a mad man. Brian felt as though he didn’t have a care in the world. They had both forgotten about everything, and acted like normal 23 and 17 year olds.
The music stopped and Brian waitied for the next song to come on. He waitied for a couple of mintes until he realised something was wrong.
Nick was no where to be seen.
Brian looked over at a crowd that was gathering in the centre of the dance floor.
He pushed his way forward until he saw who was on the floor.
He fell by her side and held her limp hand. Her eyes where closed, her mouth sligthy open. Brian looked up to the Paramedic that was checking Kate’s blood pressure.
The man shook his head. ‘ Drugs.’ He let go of her arm and pulled her onto the stretcher. ‘ Are you her boyfriend?’ He asked Brian.
Brian nodded slowly, taking deep breaths, trying to take in what was happening.
‘ Well then you should come with us.’ The Paramedic informed Brian. Another Paramedic took Brian’s arm and lead him to the back of the Ambulances.
As Brian climbed in, he turned round and asked ‘ She will be okay, won’t she?’
The Paramedic grimly smiled and shock her head. ‘ Let’s hope so.’ She whispered and shut the Ambulance door.
The police had turned up and were checking everyone over for drugs. All the 60 people who had been in the Night Club where leaning against the clubs wall, their backs to the officers, legs slighty apart, hands on the wall in front.

After an hour of checking, everyone was given the all clear.
Officer Manson sat in his car, feet on the dash board, lighting a cigar in his mouth. He took a puff and sighed.
‘ It’s such a waste of a life.’ He told the officer by him.
The Officer by him, Officer Brennan, nodded his head in agreement. They had both spent an hour checking over 60 people, and not one of them where carrying drugs. The only person they hadn’t checked was her boyfriend and the girl herself.
Officer Brennan rang the number which he was holding on a piece of scarp paper. Ringing the parents was always the hard part of his job.


Brian sat by Kate’s bed, holding her hand.
He had been sitting in the same precision for the last three hours, trying to work out why Kate had taken the durgs. She wasn’t the sort of girl to do drugs. But that’s what was so strange about it all. Nick and the rest of the boys had come down to the hospital to see what was happening to Kate. They told Brian that all 60 people where checked and no one was found with drugs. So maybe Kate had taken drugs.
Then Brian would get confussed all over again, and go back to the begining, go over and over in his mind what had happened in the last four hours.
The clock above Kate’s bed struck Three ‘O’ clock.
He whiped his eyes as he looked at all the tubes and neddles which were stuck in Kate.
The drugs had knocked her out cold, she was still breathing. By the time they had arrived at the hospital, she had slipped into a comer and was having trouble breathing on her own.
Fresh new tears rolled down Brian’s face and splashed onto Kate’s arm. He smiled and thought about what Kate would probably say if she saw him crying to himself and holding onto someone’s hand for well over an hour. She’d probably say something like “Brian! Pull yourself together! You look like a prat!” But maybe, in this case, crying over your girlfriend was different. If it was Brian in that bed, maybe Kate would be doing the same thing.
God, the times Brian had thought that. “ I wish it was me not here.” At this point, he would do anything for Kate to wake up. Anything. If it meant her opening her eyes...
There was a soft knock at the door which made Brian snap back into the real world. Nick pushed open the door, armed with flowers in his arms. Brian smiled and pulled up another chair by him.
Nick placed the flowers in the vase by Kate and sat down by Bri.
‘ So’ Nick whispered, ‘ Any changes?’
Brian sadly smiled and whiped his eyes. ‘ No such luck Nick.’
Nick kicked his shoes around, trying to find something to say to Brian. But what was he to say? “By the way Brian, I just so happened to spend the night with your girlfriend, but hey! Can we still be friends?”
Nick felt sick at the thought of Brian knowing. What would happen to their friendship? Brian was Nick’s idol, someone he looked up to. If Brian wasn’t there...
‘ You alright little buddy?’ Brian asked Nick. Nick gave him a strange look. ‘ Look at your face.’
Nick touched his face. He was crying.


‘ We found a large amount of Ecstasy in Kate Louise’s body. We’ve tried everything we can, but now it’s all done to Kate herself.’ Doctor Owen told Kate’s friends and family who were patiently waiting outside her room.
‘ What do you mean “We’ve tried everything we can?” There must be something you can do! You can’t just leave a poor child in that room dying!’ Denise sreamed. The doctor was quite taken back by her outburst, but tried his best to reassure her that she’s not going to dye tonight.
‘ So what your really saying is that she can dye any other night, but not tonight?’ AJ cried, throwing his arms in the air as he spoke. ‘ What do we pay you for? To sit on your arses and wait for something to happen?’
‘ It’s not like that. We’re pretty sure nothing bad will happen. She’s not going to dye, not tonight, not any other night. She’s in a good condition.’
Denise sat down, her head in her hands. ‘ My poor little girl.’ She mumbled over and over again into her hands. AJ put his arms round his mum.
‘ She’s going to be alright.’ He whispered.


‘ Brian, do you think she took the drugs?’ Stupid question, Nick thought when he asked Brian, but he had to brake the silence. Brian had been sitting there for over four hours, holding her hand, stroking her hair, begging her to open her eyes. Understandable, Nick thought, but Nick was one of those people who hated sitting in silence.
Brian shook his head. ‘ I don’t know anymore Nick. She’s been acting real weird lately.’
Nick nodded, knowing only too well why she had been acting weird.
‘ Do you think she took the drugs?’ Brian asked.
Nick shrugged his shoulders. ‘ I don’t know, maybe, maybe not.’
‘ I don’t think she did.’
‘ Then how comes she lying in hospital, struggling to breathe on her own, after suffering from Ecstasy?’
‘ God Nick, do you have to be so graphic? I know she didn’t take the drugs. She’s not like that.’
‘ You never know Bri, you’ve only known her for a week or so.’
Brian stood up for the first time in four hours and stretched his legs. Suddenly realising he was thirsty, Brian walked out of the room and over to the Coke machine.
Seeing as Brian had gone, Nick took this opportunity to talk to Kate on his own. He sat in Brian’s chair and took Kate’s hand in his.
‘ Kate,’ He began. ‘ I know I’m no saint, and I know I’m not Brian, but please, just open your eyes, for me, for Brian, for everyone. Please?’
Nick let go of her hand and tugged at his jumper. It was never going happen. She wasn’t going to open her eyes. He was never going to see her blue eyes again, never going to see her smile, never going to tell her just how he felt, never-
‘ Mum?’
Nick looked over to the door. Nope, no one there. Great, now he was hearing voices.
‘ Where am I? Mum? Dad?’
Nick stood up. He wasn’t scared, course not, Nick never got scared- well, not infront of the lads - but he just felt...creepy, as though someone was watching him.
‘ Nick? Is that you?’
Nick jumped and grabbed a magazine by him. He rolled it up into a bat and held it as a weapon.
‘ Who’s there?’ He called into the dark - not that he was sitting in the dark, the room was just lightly dimed.
‘ Nick? What are you doing?’
‘ I’m not scared! Want do you want?’
There was laugh, followed by ‘ Just get me out of here. I hate hospitals!’
Nick started to back off, slowly walking backwards, towards the door.
‘ Look, I’m not scared of ghosts. I-I-I know y-your n-not real! It’s just my mind working over time.’ Nick smugly smiled, pleased of the explanation he had come up with for the voices in his head.
‘ Nick, I’m no ghost. It’s me...Kate.’

