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Chapter 2

Chapter Two We pulled into a road full of massize house’s. ‘ That’s her house.’ Mum pointed from above her map. ‘ That one over there.’ Mum pointed to a huge mansion, which was surrounded by high walls. ‘ You sure?’ I asked. Knowing mum, she probably had the map upside down. ‘ No, that’s it.’ Mum looked convinced, I wasn’t sure though. Dad went up to the high gate and pushed the button on the imtercom. ‘ Hello?’ A small voice came from the sliver box. ‘ It’s us, the Bagleys.’ Dad said into it. ‘ Oh your here! Come in!’ The large gates slowly opened and we drove in. There where three cars parked outside the house. A black sports car, a space van and a small red car. We parked up on rang the door bell. A girl, aged around Lucie’s age opened the door. She had long, brown hair, blue dungarees and wore no shoes. ‘ Hey guys, I’m Angel. I’m a twin.’ She told us with her strong American accent. Dad introduced us. ‘ Hello Angel, I’m Dave, this is my wife Ros, and my three children Liam, Katie and lucie.’ ‘ Your a twin?’ Lucie asked, fascinated by it all. Angel nodded. ‘ I sure am. Wanna go see my room?’ Lucie beamed. ‘ Sure!’ Theyboth smiled and ran up the stairs. ‘ ANGEL!’ A lady’s voice from inside sreamed. ‘ YOU HAVEN’T LEFT THEM ON THE DOORSTEP HAVE YOU? COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!’ A lady in her early forty’s came to the door. She had blonde, slighty curled hair which was short. ‘ Ros!’ She cried when she saw my mum. They flung their arms round each other. ‘ I’ve missed you so much!’ My mum gushed. ‘ Me too!’ She let go of mum and smiled at the rest of us. ‘ Sorry to leave you on the door step. Come in, come in.’ She held the door open and we steped in. I’m telling you, it has got to be the biggest house I’ve ever seen. Bigger then our one. She lead us through the study and then the kicthen until we where outside. ‘ Everyone,’ She called to the group round the BBQ**( Which happened to be to a hugeswimmingpool.To the right of that was a lake.)**’ this is Dave and Ros and their three children.’ The tall blonde person turned round and started to walk over to us. I couldn’t see his face sun but I could she his sister walked beside him. When he reached us I nearly died. So did Liam. ‘ Ohimgod.’ Liam mouthed to me. His eyes where wide, his mouth hanging open. The boy held out his hand to me. ‘ I’m Nick.’ I held out a trembling hand and gently shook it. ‘ I’m Kate.’ I managed to say. His sister pushed pased Nick and held out her hand to Liam. ‘ My name’s Bobbie, but call me BJ.’ Liam beamed and held out his hand. ‘ Liam.’ They shook hands, their eyes locked. I noticed I was still holding Nick’s hand and quickly let go. ‘ So, what you doing home. I thought you would be on tour.’ I told Nick. Dumb thing to say, but hey, what else can you say when you meet your dream guy? He smiled. ‘ So you know what I do then.’ I nodded. ‘ Yeah, I love your music.’ He slightly blushed. ‘ Thanks.’ I turned to see what Liam was up to. He was deep in conversation with BJ, still holding hands. ‘ Look’s like your brother likes BJ.’ Nick whispered in my ear. How many girls would DIE to have Nick Carter whisper in their ear? ‘ So, wanna meet my brother?’ Nick asked. ‘ What Aaron?’ He laughted. ‘ Yeah, Aaron.’ ‘ Sure, why not.’ He took my hand and lead me inside the house. We walked through the kicthen and into their huge lounge. Aaron was sitting on the sofa, sulking. Nick kicked the bottom of Aaron’s shoe. ‘ Aaron, this is Kate.’ I smiled to myself as I thought of how jealous my friends would be to see me now. Aaron looked up at me, still not smiling. ‘ So?’ Nick dropped my hand and pulled Aaron of the sofa. ‘ Aaron behave! Now say your sorry to Kate.’ Aaron looked down at the carpet and kicked his shoes around. ‘ Sorry Kate.’ He mumbled. By this time, Nick was bright red in the face. ‘ Sorry Kate.’ He apolgised. ‘ That’s okay.’ I looked down at Aaron. ‘ What’s up Aaron?’ Aaron turned and kicked Nick in the leg then ran off. ‘ COME BACK HERE AARON!’ Nick sreamed, chasing off to find him. I sat down on the sofa and watied for Nick to come back. He did after a few minutes, carrying a Ninja turtle. ‘ Who’s is that?’ I asked, pointing to the turtle. Nick held it up and looked at it. ‘ Oh this is Aarons.’ I brust out laughting remembering the conversion I had had about Aaron and his turtles with Liam. Nick gave me a weird look. ‘ What’s so funny?’ ‘ Don’t worry, it’s a long story.’ I jumped up and took Nick’s hand. ‘ Let’s go outside.’ Nick pulled me back. ‘ After I do this.’ He threw the turtle on the floor and stamped on it, sending the turtle’s head and legs flying. ‘ Why did you do that?’ I aksed, astonished that Nick would brake Aaron’s turtle. He bent down and picked up the turle’s body. ‘ Because he was rude to you.’ I bent down as well, picking up it’s head and one of it’s legs. I held them out for Nick, at the same time telling him there was no need to brake his toy. ‘ It’s the only way he’ll learn.’ Nick said, sounding more like a parent then an 18 year old. ‘ So, are we going out?’ Nick nodded and threw the turtle and it’s body parts on the sofa.’ Sure, but I just have to ring someone, you go and I’ll see you out there,k? I smiled and walked out. As I walked threw the kitchen I heard a small, wimpering noise coming from under the dinner table. I looked under to find Aaron, sobbing his heart out. I climed under and sat down next to him. ‘ What’s wrong Aaron?’ He whiped his tears which where rolling down his cheeks. ‘ I didn’t mean to make Nick made.’ I put my arm round him. ‘ Don’t worry about that Aaron, let’s go outside and eat, okay?’ He looked up and smiled. ‘ It’s okay, I’m going upstairs to play with Angel and Lucie.’ He jumped up and ran out of the kitchen. ‘ Kate, you under there?’ Nick’s voice called from behind me. I climbed out and turned to face Nick. I blushed to think of how stupid I must have looked. ‘ I was getting Aaron out.’ I explained. He smiled his gently smile. ‘ Oh course you was.’ He held out his hand. ‘ Wanna see my room?’ I felt my face go even hotter. ‘ Umm, okay.’ I took his hand and he lead me upstairs. ‘ Here it is.’ Nick pushed open the end door with a sign saying NICK’S ROOM. Underneath it had another sign saying ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. **NOTE FROM AUTHOR=This is true about the signs. I’ve seen it:)** I walked into a small green bedroom which had to single beds and a floor covered in clothes, toys and magazines. A set of drums was in the corner. Nick started picking up clothes and throwing them ontoa bed. ‘ Sorry about the mess.’ I laughted. ‘ Don’t worry about it. Back home my bedroom floor was worse!’ Nick laughted with me and threw me a t shirt. ‘ Ugh! It stinks!’ I squealed, throwing it back at Nick. He threw the clothes back on the floor and sat on the bed with least clothes. ‘ Come sit down.’ He beckoned. I climed over the mess and sat down next to him. ‘ Know what? I just rung B-ROK. He’s coming over in a mintue.’ He told me. I beamed. ‘ B-ROK as in Brian Littrell?’ ‘ The one and only! I wanted him to meet you.’ He explained. ‘ How come he wasn’t back home?’ ‘ Oh, he lives here with AJ.’ ‘ Is AJ coming over as well?’ AJ is my most favourite BSB. He’s so cute! ‘ No, why did you want him over?’ ‘ I wouldn’t of minded meeting him.’ Nick jumped up. ‘ I’ll ring him then.’ He pulled out his moblie phone and started dialling. Wow. I thought to myself. Not only was I going to meet Brian, but AJ as well. Nick flicked in flip phone shut and looked at me. ‘ He’s not in. Sorry, maybe next time.’ My smiled faded. ‘ Yeah, maybe.’ ‘ Hey don’t worry.’ Nick sat down and put his arm round me. ‘ You’ll see him-’ He was cut off at the sound of the door bell. ‘ That must be Brian! He’s early!’ Nick sreamed with delight. He threw himself down the stairs and flung open the door.

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