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Chapter 3

Chapter Three ‘ B-ROK! How ya doin’?’ He cried. I ran downstairs and joined him. Nick turned and put his arm round me. ‘ Brian, this is Kate.’ Brian looked soooooooo fine! He was wearing a Reebok hat back to front and a big Tommy jumper. Nick was wearing black jeans with a black jumper. Brian held out his hand. ‘ Nice to see you Kate.’ I shook it. ‘ Like wise.’ Brian’s eyes widened. ‘ Your English?’ I nodded, blushing again. ‘ Yep.’ ‘ Hello sir.’ Brian said in his best English accent. ‘ Cup of tea and a slice of cheese cake?’ Nick and I both cracked up. ‘ Very good.’ I told him. Brian smiled and stepped in. He went straight over to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. ‘ Man,’ He said in-between gulps. ‘ I’m so thirsty.’ I smiled at Nick, who winked back. Man, today’s gonna be good. As soon as I walked out, Liam came running up to me. ‘ Save me!’ He whispered. I gave him a funny look. ‘ What the hell are you going on about?’ I whispered back. He pointed to BJ. ‘ She’s my problem.’ ‘ Why? I thought you where getting on real well.’ ‘ I was, until she kissed me!’ ‘ And?’ ‘ She’s kisses like a goldfish!’ He hissed. He started to act out a gold fish, bobbing up and down with his mouth open. ‘ What are you doing?’ BJ asked. Liam blushed. ‘ Being a goldfish.’ BJ smiled and grabbed his hand. ‘ Let’s go to my room again.’ Liam cringed and looked at me. I smiled and told him to have fun. ‘ Oh he will!’ BJ told me, and gave me a wink. ‘ What’s going on there?’ Brian asked. I shock my head. ‘ Oh, girl trouble.’ Brian laughed. ‘ Don’t tell me, Liam’s just found out that BJ kisses like a goldfish,’ He titled his head and raised his eyebrows. ‘ Am I right?’ I blushed and nodded my head. ‘ How do you know?’ ‘ Ask AJ.’ I gasped. ‘ AJ McClean?’ His smile faded and a strange expression replaced it. ‘ Yeah. AJ from the Backstreet boys.’ ‘ Oh right,’ I blushed and looked down at the floor. ‘ Sorry.’ ‘ That’s okay!’ He put his arm round me. ‘ Want me to get you a drink?’ ‘ You thirsty again?’ He nodded and led me over to where Jane and my mum where standing. ‘ Jane, can we get a drink?’ Brian asked, while smiling at my mum. Jane nodded and pointed out where the drinks where. ‘ How do you do.’ My mum asked, while holding out her hand. ‘ Fine thanks. I’m Brian.’ He looked at me, then my mum. ‘ Mother and daughter right?’ My Mum smiled. ‘ We sure are. So Brian, are you in that group my two daughters are always going on about?’ I blushed, wishing the ground would open and swallow me up. Why do parents always do it to you? This time it was Brian’s turn to blush. ‘ What the Backstreet boys?’ ‘ That’s the one!’ My mum cried. ‘ Well, I guess I’m in it. Nice meeting you. Sorry, what’s your name?’ ‘ Ros.’ They shock hands again. Brian turned to face me. ‘ So, still want a drink?’ ‘ Sure.’ Brian gently took my hand and we walked over to the table where the drinks where. Brian picked up two cokes and handed me one. ‘ There you go.’ I took it off him and said thanks. ‘ Wanna sit over there?’ He asked, pointing to the sun beds in the shade. ‘ Wherever.’ I sat down, Brian sitting next to me. ‘ So, tell me about yourself? Where abouts in England do you come from?’ He questioned. ‘ I lived on the outskirts of London, round the Essex way.’ I blushed when I realised that Brian’s leg was touching mine. I wonder if he knew? ‘ I like London. It’s a great place.’ He opened his coke and took a sip. ‘ Okay, now it’s my turn to ask question’s, do you know Hanson?’ Brian turned and looked at me. ‘ What kind of question is that?’ ‘ It’s a question isn’t it?’ Brian smiled. ‘ I don’t want you to ask me question’s,’ His blue eyes looked deep into mine. ‘ I wanna know about you.’ He leaned over and before I knew it, he kissed me on the lips. I pulled away, in a state of shock. ‘ What was the for?’ I asked, my face turning so red that it felt as though I was in an oven. Brian slighty blushed and stood up. ‘ I’m sorry, I should go.’ ‘ No don’t!’ I jumped and put my coke down next to his. ‘ But, what if Nick knew?’ He turned to face me, looking into my eyes. ‘ The kid likes you.’ I looked down at the floor. I was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. ‘ Sorry Kate.’ He said and turned to walk away. I grabbed his arm and turned him round to face me. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me close. This time it was my turn to kiss him. He pulled away and looked around. ‘ No one can see us.’ I reasured him and kissed him again. This time the kiss was longer. I put one hand behind his neck, the other on his chest. ‘ I like you Kate.’ He whispered in my ear as he gently kissed my neck. Wow, I thought to myself, Brian liked me? He kissed to top on my ear then back onto my lips. He pulled me even closer. Brian opend his mouth and slowly slid in his tounge. I returned his kiss which sent a shiver down Brian’s back. Brian moved one of his hands from my hip and slowly moved it up. I pulled away, and looked him in the eyes. ‘ I think we should stop now.’ He nodded and gently kissed me on the lips. ‘ Not a word to Nick, okay?’ I nodded. Brian put his arm round my waist and we walked back over to where Jane and Ros where standing. Liam and Nick had joined them. ‘ Where have you two been?’ Nick asked, looking at Brian’s arm which was round my waist. Brian dropped his arm. ‘ We where only getting a drink.’ Nick looked at him as if he knew something, but couldn’t quite put his finger on what. ‘ I think the meat’s just about done Jane.’ Bob, Nick’s dad said, coming over from the BBQ. ‘ About time to, I’m staving!’ Liam cried while rubbing his tummy. Nick was still giving Brian the evil eye. ‘ Brian, can I have a word with you please?’ Nick asked. Brian looked at me. I nodded and Nick and Brian walked off over to where Brian and I had just made out. I was about to watch them talk when BJ came over to me. ‘ Kate, I talk to you please?’ She looked qutie upset so I took her hand and led her over to the side of the swimming pool. ‘ What’s up?’ I asked, maybe Liam had told her she kissed like a fish? ‘ It’s Liam,’ She began. I knew it! I thought. Liam’s told her. ‘ That thing is, he told me he had a girlfriend. I thought he liked me.’ She started crying so I put my arms round her. ‘ Is it true?’ She mumbled, in-between sobbing. ‘ Yeah, it’s true.’ I lied, Liam owed me BIG TME now! But lieing only made it worse as BJ started to cry harder. Liam walked over. ‘ What’s going on?’ BJ looked up. ‘ I hate you!’ She screamed. Liam was took back by her outburst. ‘ What did I do?’ He squeaked. ‘ You told me you had a girlfriend!’ Liam laughted and grabbed BJ. He put his arms round her and kissed her smack on the lips. ‘ Well, she’s history now!’ He laugthed. I smiled, thinking how sweet the two of them looked until I was interrupted by a yell from Nick. I looked round to see Brian and Nick sreaming at each other. Liam, BJ and I ran over to see what was going on. ‘ Leave us!’ Nick spat when he saw us. ‘ Just piss off and leave us alone.’ ‘ No, wait.’ Brian grabbed my hand. ‘ I’m coming with you.’ ‘ Bloody hell Brian,’ Nick sreamed. ‘ I’m still talking to you!’ ‘ Well I ‘m through with talking, I’m hungry.’ Brian said in a stern voice and walked away, leaving Nick alone.

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