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Chapter 4

Chapter Four ‘ Nick, can I come in?’ Jane Carter knocked on her oldest son’s bedroom door. She got no reply but still went in. She found Nick curled up on his bed, with the lights out. ‘ Nick,’ She sat down by him and rubbed his back. ‘ What’s worng?’ Nick rolled over to reveal his puffy red eyes. ‘ Everything’s gone wrong mum.’ He sobbed and broke down crying again. Like any mum, Jane hated to see any of her childern upset. But it takes a lot to make Nick cry. ‘ What is it Nick?’ Jane asked again. Nick rolled over and closed his eyes. ‘ Is it Brian? I know you two feel out.’ Nick sighed. Over the past months, the presure of fame had been getting to him. The late nights working, the early mornings and not enough sleep. He hadn’t been getting on well with anyone in the band, but falling out with Brian was the last straw. He sighted again and said: ‘ I don’t want to be in the band no more.’ ********************************************* I threw back my head and cried of laughter. Brian had got to be the funniest person I have ever met in my whole life. He really knew how to cheer you up. I was sitting in the backseat on Brian’s car in the drive way of his house. He had offered to drive me home from Jane’s house, but I told him that I really wanted to meet AJ, so he took me to his. ‘ So, what are you going to do about Nick?’ I asked, lying on Brian chest. Brian sighted and shock his head. ‘ I really don’t know, this is our first big row.’ I looked into Brian’s eyes. His eyes where teary. He smiled a half hearted smile as tears started to roll down his cheeks. I kissed him on the lips. ‘ It’s my fault.’ I told him. Brian shook his head. ‘ No it’s not. Nick’s been acting strange for months. It’s only a matter of time until he fliped.’ I layed my head back down on his chest and closed my eyes. It’s my fault. I told myself. I spilt up the two best friends. There was a knock at the window which made Brian and I jump. ‘ I need to use to car!’ Called a familiar voice. Brian jumped up and opened the car door. ‘ We’re busy!’ He told them and closed the door. He flicked the lock and turned to face me. He sat down beside me and put his arms round my shoulders. ‘ Do you believe in love at first sight Kate?’ He asked and kissed me softly on the lips. I smiled and kissed him back. ‘ In this case I do.’ Brian smiled and we kissed again. This time longer then our last making out session at Nick’s. As Brian kissed, he gently stroked Kate’s leg, his other hand behind her neck, playing with her hair. Even though Brian had been on many dates over the years and kissed girls, being with Kate was different. He felt as if he had known her all his life. They had tons in common. Music, sports, everything. Brian knew that this was love. ************************************** ‘ Nick, you have to try. For the sake’s of the other members.’ Jane had been trying to convine Nick to stay in the band for the last twenty minutes but nothing seemed to be working. ‘ Mum I’ve tried,’ Nick said while rubbed his eyes. ‘ It’s not working. I’m so tied.’ Jane kissed Nick on the cheek and layed him down. ‘ Then you better get some sleep.’ She kissed him again and shut the door. But Nick couldn’t get asleep. All he kept thinking about was Kate. He had rung Brian to tell him how crazy he was for the girl, even though he had just met her. He thought Brian would like her, that’s why he asked him round. He didn’t think Brian would go off with Kate. Best friends didn’t do that. Brian and Nick had never fallen’ out over girls before. That’s why it hurt Nick more then their normal arguments. He doubted the Brian was crazy about her though. Nick was crazy about her, not Brian. He knew when he saw Kate it was love at first sight. In Brian’s case it was lust at first sight. He knew Brian would be over her soon and then he could have Kate alll to himself. Nick smiled at his thoughts and fell into a deep sleep. ************************************** Brian was crazy over Kate. As Kate layed in his arms, he knew he couldn’t be any happier then he was. Okay, so getting that award for when ‘ Backstreet Boys’ album went triple platinum was a great moument in his life, but being in love was better. Love played a big part in Brian’s life. He thought of all the times he had been asked in interviews about girls and love. He always answered the question by saying: “ I’m always looking for love in all the wrong places. I never seem to meet the right kind of girl at the right time.” He laughted. If only the fans could see him now. ‘ Kate?’ He whispered. ‘ Are you alseep?’ He looked down at her and saw the she had fallen into a deep sleep. He smiled and scooped her up, locked the car up and took her upstaris. He layed her on his water bed and tucked her in. He smiled at the thought of a girl sleeping in his bed and grabbed the spare bed covers and went and slept on the sofa.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
