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Chapter 6

Chapter six

‘ How many bags are you taking?’ Brian asked looking at all three suitcase’s I was taking to Germany.

‘ Just three suitcases.’

‘And who’s this?’ A tall, black man asked.

‘ This is my girlfriend Kate.’ Brian turned to face me. ‘ Kate, this is Andrez.’

I smiled and shook his hand. ‘ Nice meeting you Kate.’ He boomed.

His deep voice shocked me. I weakly smiled and pulled my hand away from his tight grip.

Andrez laughed when he saw my bags which surround me.‘ Are these all yours?

I laughted once.‘ Every single one.’

He turned to Brian. ‘ Ready to go?’

‘ Are you ready?’ Brian asked me. I nodded and picked up two of my bags.

Andrez picked up one of the suitcases from the floor and took one out of my hands. Brian picked up the last one, and picked up his own. ‘ Thanks lads.’ I said and skipped off to find everyone else.


‘ So we get to close the duty free shop? Just to shop?’ I had just met Denise, AJ’s mum, who is also their tour manager. I had asked to go to the duty free shop to buy something for my mum, but Denise had told me to wait as the airport closes the shops to the public and everyone with the Backstreet Boys gets to shop private.

‘ You get used to it,’ She explained. ‘ If the boys wanna shop, the close to store to the public.’

Closed the store? Now that was what I called Showbiz.

‘ NICK!’ Denise shouted. Nick and Brian were on trolleys, doing 70mph on them.

‘ Looks like Brian and Nick made up.’ I said, thinking out loud.

Denise overheard. ‘ I didn’t know they fell out. What did they fall out over?’

I blushed. ‘ Me.’ I mumbled.

Denise smilled. ‘ Lucky girl.’ She put her arm round me. ‘ Want to go shop?’ She asked.

‘ But I didn’t bring no money.’

Denise laughted. ‘ The management pay for everything. Have fun. Get anything you want!’ She paused and looked over at Nick and Brian. Two Security guards were talking to them.

‘ What do you think’s going on?’ I asked.

Denise shock her head. ‘ Same thing every time. Their in trouble.’ She walked over to them. I followed.

‘ What’s going on boys?’ Denise asked in a stern voice. The boys suddenly had a fascination with the floor and looked down at it.

‘ Do these two belong to you?’ One of the Security guard asked. Denise nodded.

‘ Sorry sir.’ She apologised. She grabbed the backs of Brian and Nick’s t shirt and led them away.

‘ Why is it you two always get in trouble?’ She asked. The boys blushed and shook their heads.

‘ As usual,’ She continued. ‘ You have nothing to say for yourselfs.’ He voice soften. ‘ Now scram! And try and stay out of trouble. She walked away leaving me alone with Nick and Brian.

‘ How you doing?’ Nick asked, breaking the silence.

‘ I’m okay.’ I answered. I looked at Brian who was smiling at me.

‘ Hi.’ He mouthed.

I smiled. I mouthed back ‘ How are you?’

He smiled and mouthed ‘ I love you.’

I giggled and he winked.

‘ Oh, is Nick here? Or are you two ignoring me again?’ Nick sarcastically asked.

Brian and I looked at him. ‘ We know your here.’ Brian told him and rolled his eyes. ‘ Wanna go sit down somewhere?’ He asked us both.

Nick smiled at me then turned to Brian. ‘ No, you two go. Spend some time together.’ Nick smiled and walked off.

I smiled at Brian.‘ What was all that about?’

He pulled a face and took my hand. He led me over to the airports small McDonalds. We sat down and Brian asked what I wanted to eat.

‘ Big Mac, no cheese.’ I told him.

‘ No cheese?’

‘ I hate cheese!’

He smiled and shook his head. ‘ How can you have a Big Mac and not have cheese?’

I shrugged my shoulders and saw AJ at the counter. He walked over to us with his food.

He sat down by me and put his food in front of him. He took and huge bite of his cheese burger. He wiped his mouth and looked at us who was staring at him. ‘ What?’ He asked, sending bits of burger and cheese flying.

‘ Well, we where kinda hoping to eat alone.’ Brian explained.

AJ put down his burger and stood up.

‘ Fine,’ He said covering his mouth, stoping the burger flying out of his mouth. ‘ I can take a hint.’ He left and Brian looked at me.‘ Man, he’s so rude!’

I laugthed and Brian walked over to the counter.

‘ WHAT DRINK DO YOU WANT?’ Brian shouted from the coutner. A few customers looked round and gave a dirty look.

‘ DR PEPPER!’ I yelled back.

He put his thumb up.

I played with a straw which was infront of me and looked over at the Backstreet Boys crew. I got a glimpse of Howie. I smiled to myself suddenly realising just how lucky I was. I know so many girls back home would just die to be in my place. I remember only the other week, wishing that I could get a chance to see AJ. I was willing to do anything even if it was just a glimpse. And now, here I am, eating McDonalds with my boyfriend, AJ McClean eatting about 2 yards away from us and Howie D to my left.

‘ Here we go.’ Brian said while placing the tray of food in front of us. He picked up my food and drink and placed it in front of me.

‘ Thanks Brian.’ I said and took a bite out of my burger. He sat down opposite me and took a sip of his coke.

‘ Know what? I never thought I would have a girlfriend.’ He confessed. He looked at my weird expersion on my face. ‘ I mean, have a girlfriend while in the band.’

I smiled and ate the rest of my burger.

A group of girls, around my age, where sitting at the table next to us, giggling and looking over at Brian.

‘ Brian,’ I whispered. ‘ You’ve been spotted.’ I nodded towards the group of girls. He turned round and waved at them. They all giggled madly and walked over.

The blonde oldest looking girl spoke. ‘ Brian, c-can I h-have your a-autograph p-please?’ She stuttered and handed him a pen and a piece of paper.

‘ Sure, what’s your name?’ Brian asked, pen at the ready.

‘ Alisa.’

He wrote:

Alisa, Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive, Love B-ROK xxxx

He handed it back to the girl and she kissed him on the cheek. He blushed, were the girl told us she couldn’t breath. She started to go red in the cheeks, breathing sharp, breaths.

Brian stood up and rubbed her back but this only made it worse. Her friends started crying, asking for a kiss from Brian and asking if Alisa was okay.

Denise, Andrez and other people came running over. Denise took the girl over to the airports casualty, her friends sat down with Brian and I.

‘ Is she always like that?’ I asked the girl who was sitting by me. The girl nodded and took one of my chips.

Brian looked upset. ‘ I hope she’s okay.’ He kept saying to himself. I reached over and touched his hand.

‘ She’s going to be alright.’ I told him. Brian smiled and kissed me.

‘ Ohmigod! You just kissed her! I can’t beileve it!’ The girl by Brian squealed.

‘ Are you two dating?’ The girl by me asked.

Brian blushed and weakly nodded.

‘ Oh wow. Now I can’t breath!’ She whispered.

Brian rolled his eyes. ‘ Come on Kate.’ He stood up and took my hand.

‘ Brian!’ The girl by the girl by me(How confusing was that?!) called. Brian turned round. ‘ Is Kate your girlfriend?’

Brian beamed and kissed me. ‘ Yeah.’

She burst into tears and so did the girl by Brian.

Brian giggled and we ran off to find Denise and the rest.

