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Chapter 8...I Just Called To Say I Love You

I flung open my hotel room and fell onto my bed. The hotel we we’re staying in was a 5ive star and very glamorous. I was just about to drift off when Marisa walked in and put her bags down.
‘ Oh hi Kate.’ She smiled and sat down on the bed by mine. ‘ Looks like were sharing rooms.’
I forced a smile then closed my eyes again, praying that she would leave.
‘ So,’ She began while unpacking her clothes and putting them into draws.
‘ How long have you and Brian been together?’
I put my pillow over my head.
‘ Hello? Kate?’ She threw her pillow at me. ‘ I said, “How long have you and Brian been together?”’
I threw the pillow at her. ‘ Three days.’ I said and replaced the pillow back over my head.
‘ Three day’s huh? Wow, that’s quite some time.’ She mocked.
She carried on talking about how long AJ and her had been together and how they had had sex at her’s and how wonderful he was. I was just about to strangle her when there was a knock at the door.
‘ AJ!’ Marisa cried.
Lord, give me strength, I thought as I grabbed my portable cd player and turned it on. I made sure my No Doubt album was so loud that I couldn’t hear what they where saying.
AJ pulled the pillow off my head. ‘ Hello?’ He said, while waving his hand infront of me.
I pressed pause on my cd. ‘ What?’ I snapped.
AJ stood up. ‘ Oh, look who’s got a problem.’ He rolled his eyes and walked over to Marisa. They started making out which made me want to throw up, so I threw my cd player on the floor and stormed out.
‘ I think she’s a little touchy.’ Marisa giggled and carried on kissing AJ.

I banged on Brian’s door.
He flung the door open, an angry expression on his face. ‘ Oh, it’s you.’ His face softened and he stood back. ‘ Come in.’ I forced a smiled and walked in, throwing myself on the nearest bed, which happend to have Nick laying on it.
Nick sat up and flicked the tv off. ‘ Hi Kate, how’s it going?’ He asked, a sweet smile on his face. At this point he looked so cute that I felt like throwing my arms round him and kissing him to death, but I controlled myself and smiled back.
‘ It’s Marisa and AJ.’ I confessed. Nick carried on smiling. ‘ And?’
‘ It’s just, well, it’s Marisa.’ I finally told him.
Brian sat down by me. ‘ What’s wrong with her?’
I put my head in my hands. ‘ She just sucks.’
Brian frowned. ‘ What’s it you don’t like about her?’
‘ Just don’t talk about her okay?’ I snapped for the second time that evening. I grabbed the tv control and turned it on.
‘ Make yourself at home.’ Nick mumbled to himself.
I turned and smiled at him. ‘ Do you want me to leave?’
He quickly shook his head. ‘ Oh no. Just make sure you watch something good.’ We laughted and watched “My So-called Life”, which happened to be one of my most favourite programs.
Brian tutted and went into the bathroom.
An hour had gone by and Nick and I were watching MTV. The bugging “Brimful of Asha” song by Cornershop was on. Brian still hadn’t come out of the bathroom. I stood up and knocked on the door.
‘ Brian, are you okay?’ I called. Brian slowly opened the door, a magazine in his hand.
‘ What?’
‘ I said, “Are you okay?”’
He nodded. ‘ I just hate what your watching.’ And he closed the door.
‘ What was that all about?’ Nick asked when I sat back down next to him. I shock my head. ‘ I have no idea.’
I closed my eyes and layed my head on Nick’s chest. I put my arm round his waist, while Nick rubbed my back.
‘ Kate?’ He said.
It took me a mintue to register that he was talking to me. ‘ What?’ I whispered, nearly alseep. I don’t know why, but listening to someones heart beat always make me feel tired.
‘ I was doing some thinking.’ He paused and stopped rubbing my back. ‘ I was wondering, well, I was sort of hoping,’ He sighed. ’ Oh don’t worry.’
I sat up and looked him in the eyes. ‘ What’s wrong Nick?’
He blushed and put his hand on my arm. ‘ It’s nothing.’ He smiled a convincing smile as if to say “ Hey, don’t worry about me”.
Before I could control myself, I leaned over and kissed Nick. Nick stopped breathing. Should he kiss her back? After all, she was Brian’s, his best friends, girlfriend. Nick thought; then again, he had gone and kissed her. Nick shrugged it off and kissed Kate back.
I stopped kissing him and turned away.
‘ What’s wrong?’ He asked, stroking my arm. I shook his hand off and stood up.
‘ I should go.’ I told him and made my way for the door. Nick jumped up and pulled me close. He kissed me. ‘ Please don’t.’ He whispered. I went to kiss him back then thought again and pulled away.
‘ Nick don’t.’ I looked at the bathroom door, hoping Brian couldn’t hear. Nick sat down on the bed. ‘ I thought you liked me?’
I leaned against the wall. ‘ Nick, it’s not that I don’t like you it’s-.’ I broke off when I saw Brian in the bathroom door way.
‘ What’s going on?’ He asked, looking at me and then Nick.
I panicked and walked over to him. ‘ Nothings going on, we just had a bit of a falling out.’ I lied. I turned to Nick. ‘ Sorry Nick.’
Nick smiled and nodded. ‘ That’s okay.’ He said and cuddled me. Brian smiled and put his arms round both of us.
‘ GROUP HUG!’ He laughted and kissed me.
I felt guilty that I had just lied and couldn’t kiss him back.
‘ What’s up?’ He asked.
I blushed and walked towards the door. ‘ Nothing’s going on. I should go.’ I opened the door. ‘ See ya later boys!’ I called and walked out.
I walked off to my hotel room, wiping my tears with my hand. I prayed I wouldn’t see anyone I knew, which I didn’t and opened my door.
I walked in on Marisa and AJ in bed. They pulled their covers around them.
‘ Go away!’ Marisa sreamed and lobbed and teddy bear at me. I dodged the flying bear and shut the door.
‘ No.’ I told her and sat down on my bed. I pulled out my reading book and started to read, pretending as if they weren’t there.
Marisa laughted. ‘ Is it just me, or couldn’t she hear me?’
I looked up from my book. ‘ No, I can hear you, I’m just not going.’ And carried on reading. She tutted and put on her clothes. ‘ Come on AJ.’ She said and pulled him towards the door. He grabbed his jeans and pulled them on. ‘ See ya loner.’ He hissed and walked out.
I closed my book and cried. So far, everything had gone wrong.


I opened my eyes and sat up. I had fallen asleep in my clothes. I yawned and rubbed my eyes while looking out of the window, it was still dark out. l leaned over and picked up the phone and keyed in 143. I waited for an answer.
‘ Hello?’ Someone mumbled.
‘ Who’s that?’
‘ Nick, who’s this?’ ’
I smiled and silently thanked God Nick had answered, not Brian. ‘ Nick, it’s me, Kate.’ ’
Nick’s heard skipped a beat. ‘ Hey, how’s it goin’ at half three in the morning?’ ’
I laughted. ‘ Okay I guess.’ I looked round the empty room. ‘ It would be better if you where here.’ ’
Nick’s heart pounded. ‘ R-really?’ ’
‘ Really.’ ’
Nick smiled too himself. ‘ All alone?’ ’
‘ Looks like it.’ ’
‘ Okay, see you in two seconds.’ And with that, he hung up. I put the phone back in it’s cradle and thought about what I had just done. I was seeing m boyfriend of four days best friend? That was so not me. What would Brian say if he knew? I pushed the thought to the back of my head and cleaned myself up, cleaning my teeth and brushing my hair. I waited for Nick, two minutes there was a knock at the door. I jumped up and opened it. There stood Nick in his boxer shorts and t shirt. He looked left then right, then stepped in.

