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Chapter 9...Secrets and Lies

I rolled over and opened my eyes. Nick was still asleep, quitley snoring. I sat up, my covers were twisted round my legs. I untangled myself and threw the covers over Nick who hardly had any round him. It was light out, I wondered what the time was and looked at my watch which read 9:45am. The date read 2/20/98. BRIAN’S BIRTHDAY!! I shook Nick. He didn’t even stir.
‘ Wake up Nick!’ I yelled into his ear. Hey, they don’t call me the mouth from the south for nothing you know. He jumped and opened his eyes wide. He looked at me a little dazed. ‘ Kate?’ He whispered. I smiled and pulled him up.
‘ You better go.’ I told him and threw him his t shirt which was laying at the end of the bed. He grabbed his t shirt and put it on while singing Madonna’s “Like a Virgin”.
He coulden’t get over the fact that two people could make out all night and then fall asleep, no sex taken place.
‘ What time is it?’ He asked, while laying back down.
I looked at my watch. ‘ 9:48.’
His mouth fell open, his eyes wide. ‘ Brian’s birthday.’ He gasped. I nodded and went into the bathroom, Nick followed and sat down on the floor.
‘ You know that we all had to be down for breakfast at 8:30 don’t you?’ He told me.
I shook my head. ‘ No one told me.’
‘ It’s a “ Birthday Breakfast” for Brian.’
I put my head in my hands. ‘ What are we going to say?’
Nick stood up. ‘ I think I should go.’ He said and kissed me. ‘ See ya!’
I smiled and waved goodbye.
What was we going to say to Brian?


I gingerly walked into the posh ‘ Breakfast area.’ I spotted the BSB crew straight away. There was about 15 of us around one huge table.
‘ Kate over here!’ Brian yelled from over where he was sitting and ran over.
I kissed him and handed him his presant and card. He smiled and kissed me.
‘ Thanks.’ He said and took my hand. ‘ So, I didn’t know you liked basketball?’
‘ Huh?’
‘ Well you and Nick woke up early to play basketball didn’t you?’
It took me a second to realise what Brian was on about, but when Nick winked, I knew what Brian was talking about.
‘ Oh yeah, that’s right, I beat him.’ I said, catching on to what he was saying.
Nick had told him that the reason we we’re late was because we had woken up early to play basketball. I smiled to myself at how devilish Nick was.
Brian gave me a weird look.‘ I thought Nick won?’
I panicked and looked at Nick who was trying his best not to laugh.
‘ I umm, well,’ I stuttered. ’ Nick’s just being modest.’
Everyone laughted and I breathed a sigh of relief.
I couldn’t bring myself to eat, due to the fact that I was a bag of nerves. I felt so guilty for what I had done.
‘ What wrong?’ Brian asked, seeing that I hadn’t touched my breakfast.
I looked down at my plate which was full of greasy food, bacon, egg, sausage, a big fry up. Normally I love a big fry up, but today it looked, and tasted sickening.
‘ I don’t feel like eating.’ I tryed to smile a convincing smile. ‘ I think that basketball workout with Nick really got to me.’
He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. ‘ I’m hoping that I’m going to get a special kiss later on.’ He whispered.
I smiled and tryed to control my tears that were welling up. I had never in my whole life done something so bad to someone I cared about. How could you hurt Brian? Brian was so sweet and kind, and I knew, even after 5ive days of being together, Brian would do anything for me.
‘ Are we all finished?’ Marisa asked, while standing up. Everyone nodded and stood up.
‘ Boy, that was nice.’ Kevin said and rubbed his tummy. ‘ What now?’ I asked.
He narrowed his eyebrows. ‘ I’m not sure, ask Randy.’ He put his arm round me and lifted my chin. ‘ It’s not the end of the world.’ He smiled and kissed me on the cheek then went off the find Denise.
‘ Come on Kate.’ Brian said and grabbed my hand. Nick, who was standing with him, smiled and followed us outside were a mini bus was waiting.
The other band members plus the boys bodyguards and Denise, stood outside the bus, waiting for Brian, Nick and I.
‘ All ready?’ Denise asked when we joined them. We nodded and hopped onto the bus. Like when they were on the aeroplane, Nick and Brian raced to the back of the mini bus. They grabbed the four back seats.
‘ Wanna sit with me?’ Kevin asked and pointed to the seat by him. I looked over to Brian who was waving for me to come over.
‘ Thanks Kev but the birthday boy wants me to sit with him.’
Kevin smiled, nodding in his head. ‘ You better go then.’ He said and pulled out his book.
I walked over to where Brian and Nick was sitting and sat down in-between them.
Brian wrapped his arms round me and kissed me on the lips. I felt gulity for spending the night with Nick, so to make up for it, even though it didn’t really make up for it, I made out with Brian.


Nick squirmed in his chair, trying not to watch Brian and Kate make out. He looked out of the window, trying to take in the sights, but every time he tried, he felt Kate’s back rub against his, or he would hear Brian whisper something into Kate’s ear.
He wanted to hit Brian, shake him off Kate, cause Kate was Nick’s girl, right? He thought back to last night when they shared the same bed. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so happy.
If Kate liked him so much, why was she making out with Brian now? Why didn’t she just tell him she wasn’t interested in him no more, cause Kate liked Nick now. Kate was Nick’s girl, or so he thought....


‘ What’s up with Nick?’ Brian asked, seeing as Nick hadn’t spoken a word since we got on the bus.
We had been on the bus for well over an hour now, and my legs had just started to ache.
Brian jumped up. ‘ I have to go over some lyrics with AJ, I’ll only be half an hour.’
I nodded, glad that he was going so I could get to talk to Nick.
When he had gone, I turned round to Nick.
‘ What’s wrong Nick?’ I asked while trying to see his face. He had his head resting on his hand, his face facing the window. Everytime I tryed to looked at him, he turned and looked in another direction.
‘ Nick, please talk to me.’ I begged. He turned his head and looked at me. His blue eyes puffy, his face flushed.
‘ What am I to you?’ He whispered, his eyes filling up with tears again.
‘ Well, your my friend-’ I was cut off by Nick, who burst out laughing, ‘ I’m only your friend?’
I sheepishly nodded.
Nick rolled his eyes and turned back round to face the window.
I sighed. ‘ Well what do you want me to say Nick?’
He looked at me, tears rolling down his face. ‘ Tell me you love me.’
I laughed. ‘ I haven’t even told Brian that!’
Nick wiped his tears away with the back of his jumper and faced the window again. ‘ So, you don’t love me?’
I tutted. ‘ No!’
‘ Fine, just don’t come crawling back, okay?’
I sighed and leaned back into my seat. Part of me liked Nick, the other liked Brian. What was I to do? My leg touched Nick’s, but I didn’t think anything of it until I helt Nick’s hand on it. I leaned over and put my hand on Nick’s. He smiled and squeezed my hand.
He leaned closer to me and gently ran his hand up the side of my leg, stopping when it came to the bottom of my skirt.
He looked around to see if anyone could see what he was doing. Everyone was fast alseep apart from Brian, AJ and Randy.
Nick smiled and kissed me. I kissed him back, then layed my head on his shoulder. Nick kissed my neck. I felt a sharp pain and pulled Nick away. He blushed. ‘ Sorry, I got carried away.’
I got out my pocket sized mirror and looked at my neck. A small, red bite mark had appeared. Great, just what I need, a hickie. I thought to myself. Nick smiled and started kissing my ear, then moved to my cheek.
I layed my head back down on his shoulder. As I was closed my eyes, I felt his hand move up my skirt, but I didn’t push him off. I put my hand on his waist, my other free hand on his leg.
Nick’s hand stopped when it came up to my underwear. He moved his hand back down and rested it on my leg.
He took my hand which was on his leg and moved it between his legs. I was shocked went to pull away.
‘ Please don’t,’ He whispered into my ear. ‘ Just for a few minutes.’ I sighed and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back, while stroking my leg.


Nick’s breathing became heaver as he kissed Kate. He slowly stroked Kate’s leg, while his other hand moved Kate’s hand from between his legs. He didn’t want to move her hand, but he was scared something would happen. Plus the fact that Brian happened to be 5ive yards away from them.
He hated Brian for being with Kate. Nick wanted to be the person to hold Kate’s hand, kiss her in public, instead, he had to do all this behind his back. His best friends back. Normally Nick hated people who cheated on other people’s girlfriends, but in Nick’s case, it was different. He really did have thing for Kate. He just wished she knew how much he liked her. He had asked her if she loved him a few minutes ago, but she said she didn’t even love Brian. What was he to do? If he told her just how much he liked her, it may scare her off and that was something Nick defiantly didn’t want to do that.
He loved the way she teased him, pressing her body against him, sending him into a wild frenzy. Just when he thought he was going to reach boiling point, she would pull away, leaving him begging for more.


Nick moaned out loud as I touched him. I knew teasing him drove Nick crazy. I loved it when he was like that.
I kissed his neck, while I rested my hands at the top of his pants. Nick sat back with his eyes closed, his arms drapped around me. I kissed his neck and chest until I reached my hands.
I moved over onto his lap. I pushed myself up close to him, a quite moan escaping Nick’s lips. I lifted up Nick’s jumper and sofly kissed his bellybutton. I moved down until I reached the top of his Calvin Klein boxer shorts. I was in a daring mood. I slowly started pulling them down, kissing his naked skin.
Nick opened his eyes. ‘ K-kate, I t-think we s-should stop now,k?’ He whimpered, trying to catch breath. I nodded, realising just how far we were actually going.
I sat myself back down next to him, Nick’s arm still round me. He suddenly blushed and threw a comic magazine on his lap. He looked at me and nervously giggled. I realised what had happened and blushed. I felt sorry for him, but at the same time I thanked God for not making me a man.
Brian bounced over and flopped down by me. He saw my red mark on my neck.
‘ What’s that?’ He asked, while touching it. I slapped his hand away.
‘ It’s a nat bite.’
‘ Doesn’t look like on to me.’
‘ Well it is.’ I looked at my watch. ‘ Are we nearly there yet?’
‘ Yeah, about 5ive more minutes. Hey Nick, guess how many fans are outside the studio centre?’
Nick shrugged his shoulders. ‘ How many?’
‘ Over one hundred!’ Brian laughted and clapped his hands. ‘ Man it’s crazy!’
‘ Yeah, very crazy.’ Nick said sarcastically.
‘ What’s your problem?’ Brian asked.
‘ Nothing! Just leave me alone!’ Nick snapped and closed his eyes.
‘ What’s wrong with Nick?’ Brian whispered.
I shrugged. ‘ How the hell would I know? I haven’t even spoken to him.’
‘ Fine Kate! If all your going to do is snap at me on my birthday then don’t bother talking to me!’
I felt guilty for making Brian angry on his birthday and put my arms round him.
‘ I’m sorry Brian.’ I said and kissed him. He smiled and pulled my close.
‘ God, you two are making me feel ill!’ Nick tutted and stood up. ‘ I’m moving.’ He picked up his bag and went and sat down by Kevin. ‘ What is his problem?’ Brian mumbled to himself. But I knew what his problem was. Me. How long could Nick and I keep this up?

