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The Jar Jar Binks Issue

Why Is He So Hated?

First We Will Hear From The Council

As Always, Big Hick will open the debate and put out the first comment...

The age old matter of Jar Jar Binks... Why is this loveable character hated by so many people across the globe? I know you've seen the various "Jar Jar Must Die" pages and the Jar Jar "Ate My Balls" page. A little too much effort is being put into hating this loveable Gungun. After all, Hate leads to fear, and fear leads to suffering, as the great wise Yoda has taught. Possibly, it is because this character is completely computer generated. When a character has no physical pressence it is hard to grow attached to them as if it were a seven foot tall walking carpet or a wrikled up preaching prune, I agree there. This character brings too much to Episode 1 to be merely displaced a put on the island of misfit characters. Is is because his speech patterns are so complex (or are the simple, who really knows?) No, that can't be it Example 1- Yoda...

Ahhh, yes, Wes, you have something to add?

I also agree that Jar Jar has taken more than he deserved. Sure, people may make fun of the way he speaks or acts, but that is not the way one should view this CIVILIZED lifeform. Yes, I believe that the Gungans are a very civilized species and do not deserve the mistreatment by the so-called "fans". A true fan would enjoy all aspects of this universe, and should base their opinions by the actions of a species, not the way they talk. In addition, I strongly respect Jar Jar and the Gungans for their strong ties to the force. During their battle against the Droid army, it is clearly shown that the force is with them. People may say that it is just luck, but according to the jedi, luck is really the force. As Qui-Gon said "Nothing happens by accident."

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