Found on Welcome to Blue Fox's X-Files Page! Please sign the guestbook! Trust No One, The Truth is Out There, In the Big Inning, Believe the Lie, Apology is Policy, Everything Dies, Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate, E Pur Si Muove, Resist or Serve, Ei Aaniigoo ?Ahoot?e, The End, All Lies Lead to the Truth, Believe the Lie, Deny Everything, Seeing is Believing, I Want to Believe, Die Wahrheit Ist Irgendwo Da Drauben, Hiding in the Light, Amor Fati, Believe to Understand.

Welcome fellow X-philes! My name is Kate. My page has Sounds, Pictures, Information, and more about the X-files. If you have any questions or comments please email me at the address listed below. Also please sign my guestbook! :)

*~My ezboard community~*

My message board about the X-files! Come and stay awhile to chat about the X-files!

*~Biographies about the Cast and Crew~*

Biographies and general information about The people who make the X-files happen.

*~Mulder/Duchovny Pictures!~*

My photo gallery of David Duchovny/Fox Mulder.

*~Scully/Anderson Pictures!~*

My photo gallery of Gillian Anderson/Dana Scully.

*~Miscellaneous Pictures!~*

Colleges, magazine covers, X-file ads, and pictures of the CSM, LGM, and Krycek.


All the Awards I have Won!


Links to several X-file Sites and a few Non-related ones as well!

*~Poems By Yours Truly, Cat Chow, and Amanda Meadows~*

2 Poems about Mulder, 2 about Scully and 1 about Krycek and What If Dr. Seuss Wrote The X-files?

*~Miscellaneous Information~*

My favorite Mulder and Scullyism, when the X-files are on, and more.

*~My Favorite Fan-Phic Story!~*

The name says it all. :0)

*~WebRings I Have Joined~*

WebRings will promote your web site and give you lots of traffic!


Quotes from a variety of people and from The X-files.

Email me!

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