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Kenny & Kyle's Story

As Kenny and Kyle's "mommy", I wish to tell you their story....please have an open mind and DO NOT judge me. I am only telling their story (and mine) in hopes to help others who may benefit from it.

Kenny and Kyle will be two years old in August-2000. They both seem very "healthy" at the moment, and I hope this does not change for a long, long time! But sometime in the future, there may be problems......Let me explain---The boys have had many "freedoms" that maybe they shouldn't have had. They are mainly couch-potatos' but enjoy going outside and "being a cat". They are so lovable but yet have that wild instinct about them. Living with a creek on one side and woods on the other, not to mention a dead-end's a cat's dream, or is it a nightmare??

Growing up in my parents house, we used to have cats. They were always "allowed" outside. Now, in my own home, I also chose to let my cats outside. I thought they would be dogs in the area, no thru-taffic..... Until now, with my interest of the internet, have I discovered that many cat owners believe the safest life for a cat is an indoor life. I have met many wonderful people over the past year ,via the internet, and due to the -recent developements- I must agree. And now...the story...........

I knew I couldn't wait any longer to have the boys neutered, although, Kyle was content to stay inside, Kenny was harder to keep in. I made their appointment with the vet. But, the news I received that day, has changed ALL of our lives. Kenny was found to have a heart murmer, which will be checked frequently but at this time he cannot undergo anasthesia...therefore, cannot be neutered. Okay, that was tough to handle. But, when the vet told me about was too much! Kyle has tested positive for FIV-"Feline Aids". I had never heard of this disease before. There is no cure and worse yet, there is no preventative vaccine. My world has been turned upside down and I feel I have done my poor babies a severe letting them outside. If Kyle were to bite his brother, he could contract the disease also. They will now live the rest of their lives indoors. This is a trying time for all of us.

I felt it my responsibility to inform the other neighbors that there was an infected cat in the neighborhood. Possibly a feral cat or an abandoned cat who was dumped off in the woods...who knows where it started... Out of the three cat owners I know, one who has two cats, had them checked and the results were negative...they live indoors. Another had their cat checked and the result was positive....he still roams free...and another, chose not to have their cat checked and she also roams free.......Usually this disease is found in cats 6 years of age or older, usually male........but there are exceptions to every rule.

I am sure there are those of you who may consider me an irresponsible pet owner....I can handle the criticizm. I am writing this page to "ENLIGHTEN" those who do not feel their cats should stay indoors....even "indoor" cats get out one time or another. It only takes one bite from an infected cat...I hope that Kenny and Kyle's story help to inform some of you who are unaware of the FIV virus. I love my boys very much, but sometimes love just isn't enough.

Below is a wonderful page of links pertaining to "Cat's Health"...please read more about FIV and any other illnesses you are unaware of...

Cat Health Links

There is a guestbook below for Kenny and Kyle...feel free to leave any comments you may have...

This page is being dedicated loving memory...of ``BLACKY-BEAR``aka. "Beaner"my brother's cat whose life ended Monday March 20, 2000, after being attacked by two stray dogs. Rest in Peace sweet Blacky-bear. You will be missed!!!!


I want to take a moment to thank a very special purrson who has passed this page on to some of her friends....."Thanks Penny!". There are some really nice people...I mean kitties, at "Meowtalk" and "Kittychat" (at Onelist). Kenny and Kyle have been friends with Penny's Amos and Andy since we all got on this internet....we are so pleased that they have their own beautiful little place on the web.....``TUXEDO JUNCTION``
Kenny and Kyle are doing just fine...even don't try running out the door anymore when someone comes in! Thankyou everyone for stopping by!!!! :)

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