Britney should die
Britney should die!

Britney Spears is a phucking bitch and a whore and a skank!I hate that bitch!
Here I'm gonna put down many reasons why I hate her this bad
If anyone feels they hate her too...plz feel free to send me the reasons why ypu hate her and they will be posted here...thanx*grins*
1.Shes a bitch
2.Shes is such an airhead
3.those stupid implants make her look skankier than what she already is
4.That stupid "Crazy" song!
5.She is the(female) leader of teenyboppers
6. this picture

Like who the hell does she think she is?!I mean it's just Howie...but the thought of her near our Backstreet Boys makes me want to pounce her and kill her
7.this other picture

Ok that does it!Who the f*ck does that whore think she is!?With Howie it hurt me...and now with nick it destroyed me ...omg..*just had an unplesant thought*what if she has been in the presence of Kevin?!*dies , recovers, gets the though again, is devastated and feels this is a catastrophy and dies again*This whore must be stopped!I want a piece of her and I don't mean that as a sexual comment...i want to rip her heart out!
8.The Oops I did it again video
9.her voice (the way she talks i mean)
These reasons were sent in by :
10. she dissed the BSB
11.she is part of an evil plot to take over the world with n sync(it's true)
12.she screwed justin timberlake(if she is stooping that low she has major problems)
More coming soon *is still hurt from the though and decides not to think bout Bitchney anymore*
Hey Britney haters!Here are some kick ass cliques you can join!
I repeat don't send me hatemail!