Backstreet X-Change
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Created:Oct 13,1999
Last updated:December 4, 2000
I re-opened the site!(Again) Yeah but now I actually updated!I have some new ideas and although there won't be anymore graphics (cause my shitty program crashed)well I'll do my best to make you pee your pants when you come to this site.

Sacrificing Chickens is a HUMOR site, therefore, there is HUMOR, which might offend quite a few people, if you are TeEnYbOpPeR, then leave now by going to

Things to see!:)
Last updated:
ReviewsThe shape of my heart
..............Black & Blue
Let's have funritney should die
All about me
And stuff like that
Songs?Is that what they are?
Let's have fun
Awards Ive won
Chrissy and Krissy
*starts chanting*SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!The Guestbook be here!------------------->So sign it !

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Backstreet Boys Internet Search Engine

和ercy Productions
Sacrificing Chickens-A BSB Humor Site 1999-2001 All Rights Fucking Reserved
Look how many boners Kevin has gotten since Oct,99
Yeah lookie!My counter got erased and now its got a fucked up #, BUT it was already at 2000 damn siblings!
