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A Little Help From

Clio's Herb Garden

In today's fast passed world people tend to just go in a store and buy what they need to help them in their lives .No more is the old ways of growing and making the things you need count any longer .Its ready made this ready made that ,but what they don't seam to know is the money they would save if they just looked in their gardens .

You see all the things that you buy from the store are right under you very own nose all along .

Below you will find some fun things to do with all them things in your garden ,things you mite even want to try with your kids .Teach them the old ways ,in the end they will be happier for it with the since of pride that they will pass on from child to child as my family has done .So enjoy and happy hunting (for me that's the fun part).

Lets start with a well known herb *Lavender* Something you can find just about any were you look .For many people *Lavender*Brings on memories of days gone by of the older Victorian homes blooming with its scent as the *Lavender* bags filled every nook and cranny .

*Lavender* bags are very easy to make .....Take 2 old or new pieces of cloth and sew them together .Easy as 1 2 3 .and if the *Lavender* scent is not just what you had in mind and want something a bit diff try adding some dried crushed *coriander*seeds ,a crumpled *cinnamon*stick, a few *allspice*berries, and dried *tansy* flowers.

*Lavender* I find is also the best way to help you sleep .A sleep pillow does the trick every time .Now try this one.

*Lavender Sleep Pillow*

Make a small pillow from the prettiest fabric you can find ,fill it with this herbal mixture ,and rest easy were ever you are .

2oz dried lavender flowers

1oz dried chamomile flowers

1oz dried fragrant rose petals

2tbsp coriander seeds,lighty crushed

1 sum cinnamon stick ,crumbled

2tbsp dried orris root power

Mix all the ingredients together and store them in a covered jar for two weeks ,stirring or shaking the contents every day .Pack the dried flower mixture into a small pillow made of closely woven fabric

If you decide to vary the mixture be sure to include the orris root power ,witch acts as a fixative.

Hand Lotion

You can make an effective sweet smelling hand lotion that keep the hands soft and fragrant. To make a hand lotion, add sufficient Lavender oil to scent 1/2 cup of glycerine in a bottle. Shake the bottle vigorously each time before using.

Lavender Bath

For a refreshing bath, add a strong infusion of lavender flowers to the bath water. To make a lavender bath, pour 2 cups of boiling water over 2 handfuls of dried Lavender and leave until lukewarm. Strain and add to the bath water.

Lavender Facial Steam

Lavender flowers can be mixed with other herbs for a facial steam to improve a dull-looking complexion and tone the skin. To make a facial steam, mix Lavender with Lime flowers, Chamomile and Sage and place 2 handfuls of this mixture in a bowl. Pour on about 4 cups of boiling water. Cover the head and bowl with a towel and steam the face for up to 10 minutes. Wipe the face thoroughly with cotton wool pads or balls and splash with cold water.

Lavender Soap

To make Lavender scented soap take 12 tablespoons grated pure, unscented soap and place in a bowl fitted over a pan of simmering water, stir it until melted. Mix in 2 tablespoons Lavender oil, 1 tablespoon clear honey and a few drops of blue or violet coloring. Pour into shaped, oiled molds and leave until set.

Lavender Oil

This soothing antiseptic oil will help ease aching rheumatic joints and it also makes an affective insect repellant.Rub it onto the exposed skin before taking a summer walk or when camping.

400 ml (2/3 pt) almond oil or green olive oil

Large handful of crushed Lavender flowers

1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

Put all the ingredients in a screw topped 0.5 liter (1 pt) bottle and shake vigorously. Leave the bottle on a sunny window sill for about 2 weeks, shaking well every day. Test that it is ready for use by rubbing a little on the skin and seeing if the perfume lasts for a few minutes; if not, keep up the process for another few days.

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