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Some Ramblings Of Clio
Helping someone feels good in a
way that just doing something for yourself doesn't. So hold out your hands and give freely of that is you .clio
Gods Paradise is never really lost
to us ,it is always within us .We may lose sight of it ,yet it is always within our reach .clio
Everyone is ultimately a child of
God. What could be more miraculous than life and living within the light of God and all his gifts .So keep that heart of the
child within you ,let it shine .clio
the innocence flowing .It all depends on that childhood faith and dreams that we all have deep within
our selves.clio
Do you
freely, joyfully and with an open heart receive love when it is given to you ?Do you open your heart to embrace all that comes your way .clio
If you want to get something ,give
it out freely .It shall come back to you in abundance.clio
Be alert to all those fleeting
moments during the day when you experience your fundamental self behind a breath
,a feeling ,a sensation .Then ask yourself did I show love today to friends and family .If not you need to listen to
your heart for your heart knows.
Didn't you all know that all souls
are immortal, they cannot be created or destroyed. But what we do choose is the temporary roles in witch they play.clio
Unexpected smiles brings joy to
the giver and receiver ,and they need to have no other reason for the smile than *I just wanted to give you a part of my inner joy.clio
From the day your child is born
you are the teacher of spirit and life .The deepest nurturing you can give them is spiritual
nurturing ,but always remember that what we teach our children is no different from what we must
keep teaching ourselves. Remember that children mainly learn from what you are ,not what you say or do.
Life doesn't depend on
whether something gets done or not .clio
Laughter that is filled with
real warmth and joy is almost magical in its ability to heal both the physical and emotional
pain .clio